
Defines functions cleanFreqTbl

Documented in cleanFreqTbl

#' @title clean a word frequency table to remove misspellings
#' @description takes frequency table of words as input, performs
#'     interactive spellchecking function and outputs cleaned table.
#'     R script with changes during interaction is also generated.
#' @param freqTbl frequency table
#' @param outputFile path for output, should be .R
#' @param sdBoundary integer for stringdist max distance to allow for frequencyTbl suggestions
#' @import hunspell
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
cleanFreqTbl <- function(freqTbl, outputFile = NULL, sdBoundary = 2, minCharToEdit = 4){

    # Transform freqTbl to df for easier manipulation
    df <- data.frame(freqTbl,
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(df) <- c("word", "freq")
    df$word <- as.character(df$word)

    # hunspell::hunspell_suggest based on english dictionary
    message("Checking for misspellings according to english dictionary")
    correct <- hunspell_check(df$word)
    incorrect <- df[ !correct, ]
    suggs <- hunspell_suggest(incorrect$word)
    dictSuggs <- sapply(suggs, function(x){ ifelse(length(x) > 1, x[[1]], x)})

    # Compare incorrect terms to all freqTbl words to find closest possiblity
    message("Comparing misspellings to other freqTbl words using stringdist")
    freqSuggs <- freqSugg(badWords = incorrect$word,
                          freqTbl = freqTbl,
                          sdBoundary = sdBoundary)

    # create df of incorrect, dictSuggs, and freqSuggs
    chk <- data.frame(incorrect = incorrect$word,
                      dict = dictSuggs,
                      freq = freqSuggs,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    message("Following is a list of words to update. \nTo select the dictionary suggestion, enter 'd'. \nTo select the freqTbl suggestion, enter 'f'. \nOtherwise enter a replacement term.  \nIf the 'enter' button is hit without any entry, the current term will remain.")
    ready <- readline(prompt = "Press 'enter' to begin or type any characters to exit: ")

    if(ready != ""){ return(chk) } # return df in case user wants to see
    chk <- chk[ nchar(chk$incorrect) > minCharToEdit, ] # not useful to work on nchar < 4 it seems
    chk <- chk[ chk$incorrect != chk$freq, ] # means there isn't a better suggestion in the ft
    chk$stemmed <- SnowballC::wordStem(chk$incorrect)
    chk <- chk[ chk$stemmed != chk$freq, ] # rm words that are variations of those already present
    # make badWords named list
    bw <- mapply(c, chk$freq, chk$dict, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    names(bw) <- chk$incorrect
    # get new words from user
    chk$updated <- InteractiveFindReplace(badWords = bw, chk$incorrect, outputFile)

    # re-summarise frequencies
    keep <- df[ !(df$word %in% chk$incorrect), ]
    chg <- df[ df$word %in% chk$incorrect, ]
    chg$word <- chk$updated[ match(chg$word, chk$incorrect) ]
    df <- rbind(chg, keep)
    updated <- df %>%
        group_by(word) %>%
        mutate(newFreq = sum(freq)) %>%
        summarise(freq = unique(newFreq))
    # convert df back to contingency table
    updated <- xtabs(freq~word, data = updated)

RGLab/corpusFreq documentation built on May 1, 2021, 4:58 p.m.