Man pages for RGLab/cytoUtils
extending openCyto framework

densityplot-GatingHierarchy-character-methodplot the population as densityplot for the channels...
gate_tailGates the tail of a density using the derivative of a kernel...
gate_tautstringTaut String Density Estimator Gating
gslist_cloneclone a GatingSetList
helloHello, World!
keyword-GatingSet-character-methodFetch a list of keywords from a GatingSet
print.logicleConvenient function to print the parameters of logicle...
readFCSParfast way of getting channel names from fcs file by only...
sce_to_gsconvert SingleCellExperiment to a GatingSet
tmix2DGateGating wrapper based on flowClust::tmixFilter
RGLab/cytoUtils documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 11:26 p.m.