ggcyto: Plot cytometry data using the ggcyto API

View source: R/ggcyto.R

ggcyto-classR Documentation

Plot cytometry data using the ggcyto API


ggcyto() initializes a ggcyto object that inherits ggplot class. Similarly the + operator can be used to add layers to the existing ggcyto object.


ggcyto(data = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'GatingSet'
ggcyto(data, mapping, subset = "_parent_", ...)

## S3 method for class 'GatingSetList'
ggcyto(data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'GatingHierarchy'
ggcyto(data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'flowSet'
ggcyto(data, mapping, filter = NULL, max_nrow_to_plot = 50000, ...)



The data source. A core cytometry data structure. (flowSet, flowFrame, ncdfFlowSet, GatingSet or GatingHierarchy)


other arguments passed to specific methods


default list of aesthetic mappings (these can be colour, size, shape, line type – see individual geom functions for more details)


character that specifies the node path or node name in the case of GatingSet. Default is "parent", which will be substituted with the actual node name based on the geom_gate layer to be added later.


a flowcore gate object or a function that takes a flowSet and channels as input and returns a data-dependent flowcore gate. The gate is used to filter the flow data before it is plotted.


the maximum number of cells to be plotted. When the actual data exceeds it, The subsampling process will be triggered to speed up plotting. Default is 5e4. To turn off the subsampling, simply set it to a large enough number or Inf.


To invoke ggcyto:

  • ggcyto(fs, aes(x, y, <other aesthetics>))


ggcyto object


fs <- GvHD[1:3]
#construct the `ggcyto` object (inherits from `ggplot` class)
p <- ggcyto(fs, aes(x = `FSC-H`)) 
p + geom_histogram() 

# display density/area
p + geom_density()
p + geom_area(stat = "density") 

# 2d scatter plot
p <- ggcyto(fs, aes(x = `FSC-H`, y =  `SSC-H`))
p + geom_hex(bins = 128)
# do it programatically through aes_string and variables
col1 <- "`FSC-H`" #note that the dimension names with special characters needs to be quoted by backticks
col2 <- "`SSC-H`"
ggcyto(fs, aes_string(col1,col2)) + geom_hex()

## More flowSet examples
fs <- GvHD[subset(pData(GvHD), Patient %in%5:7 & Visit %in% c(5:6))[["name"]]]
# 1d histogram/densityplot
p <- ggcyto(fs, aes(x = `FSC-H`)) 
#facet_wrap(~name)` is used automatically
p1 <- p + geom_histogram() 
#overwriting the default faceeting
p1 + facet_grid(Patient~Visit)

#display density
p + geom_density()

#you can use ggridges package to display stacked density plot
#stack by fcs file ('name')
p + geom_density_ridges(aes(y = name)) + facet_null() #facet_null is used to remove the default facet_wrap (by 'name' column)
#or to stack by Visit and facet by patient
p + geom_density_ridges(aes(y = Visit)) + facet_grid(~Patient)

# 2d scatter/dot plot
p <- ggcyto(fs, aes(x = `FSC-H`, y =  `SSC-H`))
p <- p + geom_hex(bins = 128)

## GatingSet
dataDir <- system.file("extdata",package="flowWorkspaceData")
gs <- load_gs(list.files(dataDir, pattern = "gs_manual",full = TRUE))
# 2d plot 
ggcyto(gs, aes(x = CD4, y = CD8), subset = "CD3+") + geom_hex(bins = 64)

# 1d plot
ggcyto(gs, aes(x = CD4), subset = "CD3+")  + geom_density()

RGLab/ggcyto documentation built on March 3, 2024, 6:23 p.m.