Man pages for RachellyN/FIT
Predicts human disease relevant genes from mouse model gene expression, based on prior mouse and human gene expression comparisons

AllData_V2.0All the training data FIT is based on
best_modelsA list of the best predictive model for FIT's perforemance...
CheckFileCheck input file
CheckFormatCheck input file format
ComputePredictionsCompute FIT predictions
FITRun FIT pipeline
HS_MM_Symbol_EntrezA data.frame containing the Entrez IDs of human and mouse...
microarray_sampleMicroarray sample data
MM_Entrez_symbol_descA data.frame containing the symbols of human and mouse...
pca_rotationsThe rotations needed to convert a vector of fold-changes to a...
PreProcessPre-processing of mouse data for predictions by FIT
Psoriasis_classifier_negMicroarray sample data to run in the function RunClassifier -...
RNAseq_sampleRNAseq sample data
RunClassifierRun FIT improvement prediction classifier
slopes_per_gene_V2.0The slopes derived from the linear regression FIT computed...
StaphInfection_classifier_posMicroarray sample data to run in the function RunClassifier -...
RachellyN/FIT documentation built on May 16, 2019, 6:59 p.m.