
Defines functions cxr_check_pm_input

#' Internal, check input consistency to cxr_pm_fit
#' this function draws on several other internal functions,
#' performing checks on data consistency, covariates, bounds,
#' initial values, packages installed.
#' @inheritParams cxr_pm_fit
#' @return list with two components. 'input.ok' is a character,
#' either 'ok','warning',or 'error'. 'input.message' is either NULL
#' or the message returned by the errors/warnings
#' @noRd
cxr_check_pm_input <- function(data, 
                               focal_column = NULL,
                               model_family = c("BH"),
                               covariates = NULL, 
                               optimization_method = c("BFGS", "CG", "Nelder-Mead", 
                                                       "ucminf","L-BFGS-B", "nlm", "nlminb", 
                                                       "Rcgmin", "Rvmmin", "spg", 
                                                       "bobyqa", "nmkb", "hjkb",
                               alpha_form = c("none","global","pairwise"), 
                               lambda_cov_form = c("none","global"),
                               alpha_cov_form = c("none","global","pairwise"),
                               initial_values = list(lambda = 0, alpha = 0, lambda_cov = 0, alpha_cov = 0),
                               lower_bounds = NULL,
                               upper_bounds = NULL,
                               fixed_terms = NULL){
  input.ok <- "ok"
  input.message <- NULL
  # basic data consistency
  t1 <- cxr_check_input_data(data,covariates)
    input.message <- ("cxr_pm_fit ERROR: check the consistency of your input data: 
    1) All variables are integer/numeric, with no NAs; 
    2) first column in 'data' is named 'fitness'; 
    3) abundances of at least one neighbour species in 'data';
    4) data and covariates (if present) have the same number of observations")
  # check covariates if alpha_cov or lambda_cov are to be fit
  t2 <- !(is.null(covariates) & (alpha_cov_form != "none" | lambda_cov_form != "none"))
      input.message <- ("cxr_pm_fit ERROR: need to specify covariates if lambda_cov and/or alpha_cov are to be fit")
  # check that lower/upper bounds are provided if the method requires it
  t3 <- cxr_check_method_boundaries(optimization_method,lower_bounds,upper_bounds, type = "pm")
      input.message <- ("cxr_pm_fit ERROR: check the optimization method selected and lower/upper bounds.
         The following methods require explicit lower and upper parameter boundaries to be set:
         'L-BFGS-B', 'nlm', 'nlminb', 'Rcgmin', 'Rvmmin', 'spg', 'bobyqa', 'nmkb', 'hjkb', 'nloptr_CRS2_LM',
         'nloptr_ISRES', 'nloptr_DIRECT_L_RAND', 'GenSA', 'DEoptimR.'
         Likewise, the following methods require NULL lower and upper bounds:
  t4 <- cxr_check_initial_values(initial_values,
      input.message <- ("cxr_pm_fit ERROR: please check the specified initial values/bounds.
                      1) only valid names are allowed, among 'lambda', 'alpha_intra',
                      2) if 'focal_column' is provided, you need to specify
                      initial values for 'alpha_intra', and viceversa.
                      3) elements must be the same in the three lists.
                      4) if you specify fixed terms, ensure that the 'fixed_terms' argument
                      is a list containing numeric vector(s), and any given parameter only appears
                      in either 'initial_values' or 'fixed_terms'.
                      5) if bounds are provided, you need to specify both lower and upper ones.
                      6) initial values and boundaries for 'lambda_cov' and/or 'alpha_cov' are of length
                      1 or equal to the number of covariates."
  # check installed packages for optimization method
  t5 <- TRUE
  if (optimization_method %in% c("nloptr_CRS2_LM","nloptr_ISRES","nloptr_DIRECT_L_RAND") & !requireNamespace("nloptr", quietly = TRUE)) {
    t5 <- FALSE
      input.message <- ("cxr_pm_fit ERROR: Package \"nloptr\" needed for the method selected to work.")
  if (optimization_method == "GenSA" & !requireNamespace("GenSA", quietly = TRUE)) {
    t5 <- FALSE
      input.message <- ("cxr_pm_fit ERROR: Package \"GenSA\" needed for the method selected to work.")
  # if (optimization_method == "hydroPSO" & !requireNamespace("hydroPSO", quietly = TRUE)) {
  #   t5 <- FALSE
  #   if(is.null(input.message)){
  #     input.message <- ("cxr_pm_fit ERROR: Package \"hydroPSO\" needed for the method selected to work.")
  #   }
  # }
  if (optimization_method == "DEoptimR" & !requireNamespace("DEoptimR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    t5 <- FALSE
      input.message <- ("cxr_pm_fit ERROR: Package \"DEoptimR\" needed for the method selected to work.")
  w1 <- identical(initial_values,list(lambda = 0, alpha_intra = 0, alpha_inter = 0, lambda_cov = 0, alpha_cov = 0))
    warning.message <- "cxr_pm_fit: Using default initial values. Note that these may not be appropriate for your data/model, or
    for the optimization method selected."
  w2 <- alpha_form != "pairwise" & (!is.null(focal_column))
    warning.message <- "cxr_pm_fit: the specified 'alpha_form' does not support differentiating focal and non-focal observations.
  'focal_column' will be discarded, and initial values and bounds, if used, will be taken from 'alpha_inter'. Please ensure 'alpha_inter'
    is specified either in 'initial_values' or 'fixed_terms', otherwise the function will fail."
    input.ok <- "error"
      input.ok <- "warning"
      input.message <- warning.message
RadicalCommEcol/cxr documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 10:07 p.m.