
Defines functions format_p_stars format_d format_r format_p format_value

Documented in format_d format_p format_r format_value

#' @title Easily format p or r values
#' @description Easily format p or r values. Note: converts to character class
#' for use in figures or manuscripts to accommodate e.g., "< .001".
#' @details For the *easystats* equivalent, see:
#' [insight::format_value()].
#' @param p p value to format.
#' @param r r value to format.
#' @param d d value to format.
#' @param precision Level of precision desired, if necessary.
#' @param type Specify r or p value.
#' @param value Value to be formatted, when using the generic [format_value()].
#' @param prefix To add a prefix before the value.
#' @param suffix To add a suffix after the value.
#' @param sign Logical. Whether to add an equal sign for p values higher or
#' equal to .001.
#' @param stars Logical. Whether to add asterisks for significant p values.
#' @param ... To specify precision level, if necessary, when using the
#' generic [format_value()]. Simply add the `precision` argument.
#' @keywords formatting p value r value correlation
#' @return A formatted p, r, or d value.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' format_value(0.00041231, "p")
#' format_value(0.00041231, "r")
#' format_value(1.341231, "d")
#' format_p(0.0041231)
#' format_p(0.00041231)
#' format_r(0.41231)
#' format_r(0.041231)
#' format_d(1.341231)
#' format_d(0.341231)
#' @name format_value
format_value <- function(value,
                         type = "d",
                         ...) {
  if (type == "r") {
    format_r(value, ...)
  } else if (type == "p") {
    format_p(value, ...)
  } else if (type == "d") {
    format_d(value, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname format_value
format_p <- function(p,
                     precision = 0.001,
                     prefix = NULL,
                     suffix = NULL,
                     sign = FALSE,
                     stars = FALSE) {
  if (!inherits(p, "numeric")) {
    stop("p value must be numeric.")
  if (isTRUE(stars)) {
    stars.n <- ifelse(p < .001, "***",
      ifelse(p < .01, "**",
        ifelse(p < .05, "*", "")
    stars.n <- ifelse(is.na(stars.n), "", stars.n)
  } else {
    stars.n <- ""
  digits <- -log(precision, base = 10)
  p <- formatC(p, format = "f", digits = digits)
  if (sign == TRUE) {
    p[p != formatC(0, format = "f", digits = digits)] <- paste0(
      "= ", p[p != formatC(0, format = "f", digits = digits)]
  p[p == formatC(0, format = "f", digits = digits)] <-
    paste0("< ", precision)
  p <- sub("0", "", p)
  p <- paste0(prefix, p, suffix)
  p <- ifelse(p == "  NA", "", p)
  p <- ifelse(p == "NA", "", p)
  p <- ifelse(is.na(p), "", p)
  if (isTRUE(stars)) {
    p <- paste0(p, stars.n)

#' @export
#' @rdname format_value
format_r <- function(r,
                     precision = 0.01) {
  if (!inherits(r, "numeric")) {
    stop("r value must be numeric.")
  digits <- -log(precision, base = 10)
  r <- formatC(r, format = "f", digits = digits)
  r <- sub("0", "", r)
  r <- ifelse(r == " NA", "", r)

#' @export
#' @rdname format_value
format_d <- function(d,
                     precision = 0.01) {
  if (!inherits(d, "numeric")) {
    stop("d value must be numeric.")
  digits <- 2
  formatC(d, format = "f", digits = digits)

#' @noRd
format_p_stars <- function(p, stars) {
  format_p(p, stars = TRUE)
RemPsyc/rempsyc documentation built on July 2, 2024, 9:41 p.m.