
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

  # Filter the movies, returning a data frame
  baaddat <- reactive({
    vegetation <- input$vegetation
    growingCondition <- input$growingCondition
    studyName <- input$studyName
    studyName2 <- input$studyName2
    colorby <- input$colorby
    baad$pft <- as.factor(baad$pft) # Factor here; want to keep empties for PFT

    if(vegetation != "All")baad <- baad[baad$vegetation %in% vegetation,]
    baad <- baad[baad$growingCondition %in% growingCondition,]
    if(studyName != "All" && studyName2 == "None"){
      baad <- baad[baad$studyName == studyName,]
    if(studyName != "All" && studyName2 != "None"){
      baad <- baad[baad$studyName %in% c(studyName,studyName2),]
  baadplot_fun <- function(input){
    b <- baaddat()
    xi <- which(baad_vars_label == input$xvar)
    yi <- which(baad_vars_label == input$yvar)
    xvar <- baad_vars[xi]
    yvar <- baad_vars[yi]
    b$X <- b[,xvar]
    b$Y <- b[,yvar]
    b <- b[!$X) & !$Y),]
    palfun <- get(input$pchpalette)
    if(nrow(b) == 0)return(NULL)

    if(input$colorby == "Study Name"){
      b$studyName <- as.factor(b$studyName)
      pal <- palfun(nlevels(b$studyName))
      b$Colour <- pal[b$studyName]
      legendfun <- function()legend("topleft", levels(b$studyName), col=pal, pch=19, cex=0.8)
    if(input$colorby == "Vegetation"){
      b$vegetation <- as.factor(b$vegetation)
      pal <- palfun(nlevels(b$vegetation))
      legendfun <- function()legend("topleft", levels(b$vegetation), col=pal, pch=19, cex=0.8)
      b$Colour <- pal[b$vegetation]
    if(input$colorby == "Species"){
      b$speciesMatched <- as.factor(b$speciesMatched)
      pal <- palfun(nlevels(b$speciesMatched))
      legendfun <- function()legend("topleft", levels(b$speciesMatched), col=pal, pch=19, cex=0.8)
      b$Colour <- pal[b$speciesMatched]
    if(input$colorby == "Plant functional type"){
      pftpal <- alpha(c("#01ABE9","chartreuse","#1B346C","#F34B1A"),0.7)
      b$Colour <- pftpal[b$pft]
      legendfun <- function()legend("topleft", 
                                    c("Decid. Angio.","Decid. Gymno.","Evergr. Angio.","Evergr. Gymno."), 
                                    col=c("#01ABE9","chartreuse","#1B346C","#F34B1A"), pch=19, cex=0.8)
    if(input$colorby == "None"){
      b$Colour <- alpha("black", 0.5)
    if(input$logxvar && is.numeric(b$X))b$X <- log10(b$X)
    if(input$logyvar && is.numeric(b$Y))b$Y <- log10(b$Y)
    x_lab <- baad_vars_axis_label[xi]
    y_lab <- baad_vars_axis_label[yi]
    if(input$howstudy == "subset"){
      plot(b$X,b$Y, axes=FALSE, xlab=x_lab, ylab=y_lab, pch=19, col=b$Colour)
    } else {
      bX <- if(input$logxvar)log10(baad[,xvar]) else baad[,xvar]
      bY <- if(input$logyvar)log10(baad[,yvar]) else baad[,yvar]
      plot(bX, bY, pch=16, col="lightgrey",
           xlab=x_lab, ylab=y_lab,
      points(b$X,b$Y, pch=19, col=b$Colour)
    if(input$logxvar)magaxis(1,unlog=1) else axis(1)
    if(input$logyvar)magaxis(2,unlog=2) else axis(2)

  output$text1 <- renderText({ 
    paste("You have selected", nrow(baaddat()), "data points.")
  output$baadplot <- renderPlot(
  output$downloadplot <- downloadHandler(
    filename = function(){
    content = function(file) {
RemkoDuursma/baadViz documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:39 a.m.