Man pages for RevolutionAnalytics/AzureML
Interface with Azure Machine Learning Datasets, Experiments and Web Services

AzureML-deprecatedDeprecated functions
AzureML-packageInterface to Azure ML Studio datasets and experiments.
consumeUse a web service to score data in list (key=value) format.
datasetsList datasets in an AzureML workspace.
delete.datasetsDelete datasets from an AzureML workspace.
deleteWebServiceDelete a Microsoft Azure Web Service
discoverSchemaDiscover web service schema.
download.datasetsDownload one or more datasets from an AzureML workspace.
download.intermediate.datasetDownload a dataset from an AzureML experiment module.
endpointHelpDisplay AzureML Web Service Endpoint Help Screens.
endpointsList AzureML Web Service Endpoints
experimentsList experiments in an AzureML workspace.
getDetailsFromUrlHelper function to extract information from a help page URL
is.DatasetTest if an object is an Azure ML Dataset.
is.EndpointTest if an object is an Azure ML Endpoint.
is.ServiceTest if an object is an Azure ML Service.
is.WorkspaceTest if an object is an Azure ML Workspace.
publishWebServicePublish a function as a Microsoft Azure Web Service.
read.AzureML.configReads settings from configuration file in JSON format.
refreshRefresh data in an AzureML workspace object.
servicesList Available Web Services.
upload.datasetUpload an R data frame to an AzureML workspace.
workspaceCreate a reference to an AzureML Studio workspace.
RevolutionAnalytics/AzureML documentation built on July 28, 2019, 4:50 a.m.