
### `checkVersions` and `add.packages.miniCRAN` require an existing miniCRAN repo

# Specify list of packages to download
mirror <- c(CRAN = "")
pkgs <- c("foreach")
pkgTypes <- c("source", "win.binary")

if (interactive()) {
  if (! {
    message("p3m seems to be not available.  Check your internet connection.")
  } else {
    pdb <- pkgAvail(repos = mirror, type = "source")
} else {
  pdb <- cranJuly2014

if (interactive()) {
  if (! {
    message("p3m seems to be not available.  Check your internet connection.")
  } else {
    pkgList <- pkgDep(pkgs, availPkgs = pdb, repos = mirror, type = "source", suggests = FALSE)

# Create temporary folder for miniCRAN

if (interactive()) {
  if (! {
    message("p3m seems to be not available.  Check your internet connection.")
  } else {
    dir.create(pth <- file.path(tempdir(), "miniCRAN"))
    # Make repo for source and win.binary
    makeRepo(pkgList, path = pth, repos = mirror, type = pkgTypes)
    # Add other versions of a package (and assume these were added previously)
    oldVers <- data.frame(
      package = c("foreach", "codetools", "iterators"),
      version = c("1.4.0", "0.2-7", "1.0.5"),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    pkgs <- oldVers$package
    addOldPackage(pkgs, path = pth, vers = oldVers$version, repos = mirror, type = "source")
    # NOTE: older binary versions would need to be build from source
    # List package versions in the miniCRAN repo (produces warning about duplicates)
    pkgVersionsSrc <- checkVersions(pkgs, path = pth, type = "source")
    pkgVersionsBin <- checkVersions(pkgs, path = pth, type = "win.binary")
    # After inspecting package versions, remove old versions
    basename(pkgVersionsSrc$source) # "foreach_1.4.0.tar.gz"  "foreach_1.4.2.tar.gz"
    basename(pkgVersionsBin$win.binary) # ""     ""
    file.remove(c(pkgVersionsSrc$source[1], pkgVersionsBin$win.binary[1]))
    # Rebuild package index after adding/removing files
    updateRepoIndex(pth, type = pkgTypes, Rversion = R.version)
    pkgAvail(pth, type = "source")
    # Add new packages (from CRAN) to the miniCRAN repo
    addPackage("Matrix", path = pth, repos = mirror, type = pkgTypes)
    # Delete temporary folder
    unlink(pth, recursive = TRUE)
RevolutionAnalytics/miniCRAN documentation built on April 1, 2024, 3:46 p.m.