
#' @title list of countries for flagfillr functions
#' @description Returns a list of suitable countries.
#' @export
country_list <- function(){
  rnaturalearth::countries110 %>% st_as_sf() %>% pull(name) %>% unique() %>% sort()
#' @title list of countries for flag_fillr_state() function
#' @description Returns a list of suitable countries.
#' @export
country_list_states <- function(){
  rnaturalearthhires::states10 %>% st_as_sf() %>% pull(admin) %>% unique() %>% sort()

flag_filter <- function(flags_dir, data){
  flags_dir %>% gsub("\\.png", '', .) %>%
    .[which(. %in% data$iso)] %>%
    as_data_frame() %>%
    rename(iso = value)

flag_loader <- function(pixels){

  if(pixels == "100") x <- get(data("flag_list_100px"))
  if(pixels == "250") x <- get(data("flag_list_250px"))
  #if(pixels == "1000") load("flag_list_1000px.rda")  too big :-(

flag_loader_states <- function(country){
  country <- gsub(" ", "-", country)
  if(country == "argentina"){
    x <- get(data("flag_list_argentina"))
  } else if(country == "australia"){
    x <- get(data("flag_list_australia"))
  } else if(country == "brazil"){
    x <- get(data("flag_list_brazil"))
  } else if(country == "canada"){
    x <- get(data("flag_list_canada"))
  } else if(country == "germany"){
    x <- get(data("flag_list_germany"))
  } else if(country == "netherlands"){
    x <- get(data("flag_list_netherlands"))
  } else if(country == "united-states-of-america"){
    x <- get(data("flag_list_united_states_of_america"))
  } else{
    stop("Lower-level flags not available for this country.")

png_readr <- function(country, pixels, type){

  if(type == "country"){
    x <- flag_loader(pixels)
  } else{
    x <- flag_loader_states(country)

messager <- function(res, pixels){
  if(res == "large"){
    if(pixels == "1000"){
      message("Using large-scale data with high res. This may take a while...")

process <- function(data, size, res, flags_dir, type, country){
  pixels <- match.arg(size, choices = c("100", "250"))
  flag_image <- png_readr(country, pixels, type)
  flag_filterz <- gsub("\\.png", "", names(flag_image))
  messager(res, pixels)
  flagz <- dplyr::data_frame(
    country = country,
    name = flag_filterz,
    flag_image = flag_image
  data <- data %>% dplyr::filter(name %in% flag_filterz)
  suppressMessages(data <- full_join(data, flagz) %>% st_as_sf())


finalize <- function(data){
  output <- flag_fillr(data)
  message("Combining flags and data...\n")
  message("Creating plot...")

## goddamn you global variables check
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(
  c(".", "geometry", ".id", "ADMIN", "CONTINENT", "ISO_A2",
    "L2", "NAME", "X", "Y", "add_row", "admin", "color", "country",
    "flags_dir", "iso", "iso_a2", 'mutate_all', "mutate_at", "name", "value"))
RobertMyles/flagfillr documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:08 a.m.