
#' Provide a succinct summary of an object
#' @description
#' `type_sum()` gives a brief summary of object type. Objects that commonly
#' occur in a data frame should return a string with four or less characters.
#' `obj_sum()` also includes the size of the object if `is_vector_s3()`
#' is `TRUE`.
#' `tbl_sum()` gives a brief textual description of a table-like object,
#' which should include the dimensions, the data source, and possible grouping
#' (for `dplyr`).  The default implementation forwards to `obj_sum()`.
#' @param x an object to summarise. Generally only methods of atomic vectors
#'   and variants have been implemented.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' obj_sum(1:10)
#' obj_sum(matrix(1:10))
#' obj_sum(Sys.Date())
#' obj_sum(Sys.time())
#' obj_sum(mean)
#' @export
obj_sum <- function(x) UseMethod("obj_sum")

#' @export
obj_sum.default <- function(x) {
  paste0(type_sum(x), size_sum(x))

#' @export
obj_sum.list <- function(x) {
  vapply(x, obj_sum.default, character(1L))

#' @export
obj_sum.POSIXlt <- function(x) {
  rep("POSIXlt", length(x))

#' @export
#' @rdname obj_sum
type_sum <- function(x) UseMethod("type_sum")

#' @export
type_sum.ordered <- function(x) "ord"
#' @export
type_sum.factor <- function(x) "fctr"
#' @export
type_sum.POSIXt <- function(x) "dttm"
#' @export
type_sum.difftime <- function(x) "time"
#' @export
type_sum.Date <- function(x) "date"
#' @export
type_sum.data.frame <- function(x) class(x)[[1]]
#' @export
type_sum.tbl_df <- function(x) "tibble"
#' @export
type_sum.default <- function(x) {
  if (!is.object(x)) {
      logical = "lgl",
      integer = "int",
      double = "dbl",
      character = "chr",
      complex = "cplx",
      closure = "fun",
      environment = "env",
  } else if (!isS4(x)) {
    paste0("S3: ", class(x)[[1]])
  } else {
    paste0("S4: ", methods::is(x)[[1]])

#' @rdname obj_sum
#' @export
tbl_sum <- function(x) UseMethod("tbl_sum", x)

#' @export
tbl_sum.default <- function(x) obj_sum(x)

#' @export
tbl_sum.tbl_df <- function(x) {
  paste0("A tibble: ", dim_desc(x))

# FIXME: This belongs in dplyr, but can only be added there once tibble has been
# updated.
# nocov start
#' @export
tbl_sum.grouped_df <- function(x) {

#' @export
tbl_sum.tbl_sql <- function(x) {
# nocov end

dim_desc <- function(x) {
  dim <- dim(x) %||% length(x)
  format_dim <- vapply(dim, big_mark, character(1))
  format_dim[is.na(dim)] <- "??"
  paste0(format_dim, collapse = spaces_around(mult_sign()))

size_sum <- function(x) {
  if (!is_vector_s3(x)) return("")

  paste0(" [", dim_desc(x), "]" )

#' @export
#' @rdname obj_sum
is_vector_s3 <- function(x) UseMethod("is_vector_s3")
#' @export
is_vector_s3.ordered <- function(x) TRUE
#' @export
is_vector_s3.factor <- function(x) TRUE
#' @export
is_vector_s3.Date <- function(x) TRUE
#' @export
is_vector_s3.POSIXct <- function(x) TRUE
#' @export
is_vector_s3.difftime <- function(x) TRUE
#' @export
is_vector_s3.data.frame <- function(x) TRUE
#' @export
is_vector_s3.default <- function(x) !is.object(x) && is_vector(x)
Robertus100/tibble documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:09 a.m.