
#' @title Get Facebook Ad Ids
#' @description This function is useful to get a brief overview of the ads.
#' This function requires that you set up an app on Facebook, and that you have access to the appropriate adAccount. Customers should give you access to your personal Facebook account. They can do it through business.facebook.com.
#' Video about what the api does: https://www.facebook.com/marketingdevelopers/videos/772240782890323/
#' Video about using the marketing api: https://www.facebook.com/marketingdevelopers/videos/772232066224528/
#' Great explanation of  how to get started, and on which I found the syntax it on github: https://github.com/cardcorp/fbRads
#' To get an api key, you need to get the appId, appSecret, and adAccount number.
#' Once you get those three things, you can get the access token in the following way:
#' fb_app <- oauth_app(appname = "facebook", key = appId, secret = appSecret) # Define the app
#' creds <- oauth2.0_token(oauth_endpoints("facebook"), fb_app, scope = 'public_profile'
#'                      , type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', cache = T)
#' accessToken <- creds$credentials %>% names () %>% fromJSON() %>% .$access_token
#' Breakdowns: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/insights/parameters
#' Depends on tidyverse, lubridate, magrittr, httr, jsonlite.
#' @param adAccount The quoted adAccount id.
#' @param accessToken The quoted access token. Keep this safe and secure.
#' @param sinceDate Quoted beginning date of when to aggregate data in the format of "2018-11-09".
#' @param untilDate Quoted end date of when to aggregate data in the format of "2018-11-09".
#' @param limit Defaults to 10000. Can be any other integer. Larger numbers may cause a rate filter to kick in, which seems to last for about 10 minutes.
#' @param fields Defaults to ad_id,objective,reach,impressions,spend,action_values,actions,clicks. There are many others.
#' @param verbose Defaults to TRUE, and will report the details of the call.
#' @return Returns a dataframe with a row for each ad. All columns are character.
#' @export
faceGetAdId <- function(adAccount, accessToken, sinceDate, untilDate
                        , limit = 10000
                        , fields = 'campaign_id,campaign_name,adset_name,adset_id,ad_name,ad_id,reach,impressions,spend,clicks',
                        verbose = T){
  if(verbose == T){
    r <- httr::GET(paste0("https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/act_"
                          , adAccount
                          , "/insights?"
                          , "level=ad&"
                          , 'time_range={"since":"', sinceDate, '","until":"', untilDate, '"}&'
                          , 'limit=',limit,'&'
                          , 'fields=',fields,'&'
                          , "access_token=", accessToken)
                   , verbose()
    r <- httr::GET(paste0("https://graph.facebook.com/v3.2/act_"
                          , adAccount
                          , "/insights?"
                          , "level=ad&"
                          , 'time_range={"since":"', sinceDate, '","until":"', untilDate, '"}&'
                          , 'limit=',limit,'&'
                          , 'fields=',fields,'&'
                          , "access_token=", accessToken)
                   # , verbose()
  df <- content(r, as = "text") %>%
    fromJSON() %>%
RonGuymon/ronsFunctions documentation built on May 8, 2019, 11:42 a.m.