
Defines functions setupData

Documented in setupData

#' Setup data prior to use with Animal Tracking Toolbox functions
#'@description Sets up and stores all relevant information required for spatio-temporal analyses of passive telemetry data from IMOS and VEMCO databases.
#'  This function produces an 'ATT' object which standardises field names (currently handles IMOS ATF export data structure).
#' @param Tag.Detections data frame with tag detection data including coordinates. Currently only handles IMOS ATF data structure.
#' @param Tag.Metadata data frame with metadata for all tags represented in Tag.Detections. Currently only handles IMOS ATF metadata structure.
#' @param Station.Information data frame with information on receiver station including coordinates. Currently only handles IMOS ATF station information structure.
#' @param source character indicating source of Tag.Detection data. "IMOS" for data downloaded from IMOS data repository
#'  and "VEMCO" for data exported from the VEMCO VUE database
#' @param tzone time zone of date time information in Tag.Detections, Tag.Metadata and Station.Information. If none provided defaults to "UTC"
#' @param crs geographic coordinate system for all Tag.Detections, Tag.Metadata and Station.Information (latitude/longitude). If none provided defaults to WGS84.
#' @return Produces an 'ATT' object that is a list of tibbles containing Tag.Detections, Tag.Metadata and Station.Information.
#'   The 'ATT' object will have a geographic coordinate system associated with it for smoother functioning of subsequent functions.
#' @seealso setup data can be used to estimate detection \code{\link{detectionSummary}}, dispersal \code{\link{dispersalSummary}}
#'   and Short-term center of activity \code{\link{COA}}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr left_join
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by
#' @importFrom dplyr summarize
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom lubridate ymd_hms
#' @importFrom lubridate date
#' @importFrom sp CRS
#' @examples
#' ## Import example datasets
#' data(IMOSdata)
#' data(taginfo)
#' data(statinfo)
#' ## Setup data
#' ATTdata<- setupData(Tag.Detections = IMOSdata, 
#'                     Tag.Metadata = taginfo, 
#'                     Station.Information = statinfo, 
#'                     source = "IMOS")
#' ATTdata
setupData<-function(Tag.Detections, Tag.Metadata, Station.Information, source=NULL, tzone="UTC", crs=NULL){

   detection_timestamp <- transmitter_id <- station_name <-receiver_name <-latitude <-longitude <- NULL
   sensor_value <-sensor_unit <-Date.and.Time..UTC. <-Transmitter <-Station.Name <-Receiver <-Latitude <- NULL
   Longitude <-Sensor.Value <-Sensor.Unit <-tag_id <- scientific_name <- common_name <- tag_project_name <- NULL
   release_latitude <- release_longitude <- ReleaseDate <- tag_expected_life_time_days <- tag_status <- sex <- NULL
   measurement <- installation_name <- project_name <- deploymentdatetime_timestamp <- recoverydatetime_timestamp <- NULL
   station_latitude <- station_longitude <- status <- NULL
    stop("Can't recognize the source of your tag detection data.\n'source' should be either 'IMOS' or 'VEMCO'")

  if(source %in% "IMOS"){
    Tag.Detections = as_tibble(Tag.Detections) %>%
      transmute(Date.Time = lubridate::ymd_hms(detection_timestamp, tz = tzone),
                Transmitter = transmitter_id,
                Station.Name = station_name,
                Receiver = receiver_name,
                Latitude = latitude,
                Longitude = longitude,
                Sensor.Value = sensor_value,
                Sensor.Unit = sensor_unit)}
  if(source %in% "VEMCO"){
    Tag.Detections = as_tibble(Tag.Detections) %>%
      transmute(Date.Time = lubridate::ymd_hms(Date.and.Time..UTC., tz = tzone),
                Transmitter = Transmitter,
                Station.Name = Station.Name,
                Receiver = Receiver,
                Latitude = Latitude,
                Longitude = Longitude,
                Sensor.Value = Sensor.Value,
                Sensor.Unit = Sensor.Unit)}

        Tag.Detections = Tag.Detections,
        Tag.Metadata = 
          as_tibble(Tag.Metadata) %>%
          transmute(Tag.ID = tag_id,
                    Transmitter = transmitter_id,
                    Sci.Name = scientific_name,
                    Common.Name = common_name,
                    Tag.Project = tag_project_name,
                    Release.Latitude = release_latitude,
                    Release.Longitude = release_longitude,
                    Release.Date = lubridate::as_date(ReleaseDate),
                    Tag.Life = tag_expected_life_time_days,
                    Tag.Status = tag_status,
                    Sex = sex,
                    Bio = measurement),
        Station.Information = 
          as_tibble(Station.Information) %>%
          transmute(Station.Name = station_name,
                    Receiver = receiver_name,
                    Installation = installation_name,
                    Receiver.Project = project_name,
                    Deployment.Date = lubridate::as_date(deploymentdatetime_timestamp),
                    Recovery.Date = lubridate::as_date(recoverydatetime_timestamp),
                    Station.Latitude = station_latitude,
                    Station.Longitude = station_longitude,
                    Receiver.Status = status)),


  if(inherits(crs, "CRS")){
    attr(object, "CRS")<-crs
      message("Geographic projection for detection positions not recognised, reverting to WGS84 global coordinate reference system")
      attr(object, "CRS")<-CRS("+init=epsg:4326")

RossDwyer/VTrack documentation built on Feb. 23, 2024, 10:40 p.m.