add.cases | Add a layer of cases (individuals) to an mca map |
add.categories | Add a layer of categories (modalities) to an mca map |
add.count | Add a new layer of points on top of an existing plot with... |
add.density | Add a layer with density curves to an mca map. |
add.ellipse | Add a layer with concentration ellipses to an mca map. |
add.quadrant.labels | Annotate labels to the quadrants of an MCA or any ggplot2... | | Add values to label |
assign.label | Assign new labels |
average.coord | Average coordinates |
balance | Contribution balance |
breakdown.variance | Breakdown of variance by group |
contribution | Summaries of contribution values |
cowboy_cut | Cut ordinal variables |
create.quadrant | Create categories according to the quadrant position of each... |
csa.all | Multiple Class Specific Correspondence Analysis on all values... |
csa.measures | CSA measures |
directors | Directors dataset |
ellipses | Calculate concentraion ellipses |
export | Export results from |
export.label | Exports the labels of a object into a csv file. |
extract_cases | Extract individuals |
extract_cats | Extract coordinates for the categories from an soc.mca |
extract_sup | Extract supplementary categories from an soc.mca |
get.category.relations | Get and calculate the relationships and oppositions between... |
headings | Calculate contributions per heading |
ind.explorer | Explore the cloud of individuals |
indicator | Indicator matrix | | Pivot the indicator matrix from an MCA to long format |
invert | Invert the direction of coordinates | | Map the active modalities |
map.add | Add points to an existing map created by one of the |
map.array | Array of maps | | Create the base of a map |
map.csa.all | Array of several CSA maps |
map.csa.mca | Map the coordinates of the individuals in a CSA and its MCA |
map.csa.mca.array | CSA-MCA array |
map.ctr | Map the most contributing modalities |
map.density | Density plot for the cloud of individuals |
map.ellipse | Concentration ellipses |
map.ellipse.array | Ellipse array |
map.ind | Map the individuals of a analysis |
map.mod | Map all modalities |
map.path | Map path along an ordered variable | | Map select modalities and individuals |
map.sup | Map the supplementary modalities |
mca.eigen.check | MCA Eigenvalue check |
mca.triads | Compare MCA's with triads |
min_cut | Cut a continuous variable into categories with a specified... |
moschidis | Moschidis example |
pe13 | The Field of the Danish Power Elite |
pipe | Pipe operator |
political_space97 | French Political Space example |
print.soc.mca | Print objects |
prune.mca | Remove unnecessary variables from an MCA |
randomize.mca | Create a randomized mca on the basis of an existing mca | | a package for specific correspondence analysis |
soc.csa | Class Specific Multiple Correspondence Analysis |
soc.mca | soc.mca 'soc.mca' performs a specific multiple correspondence... |
supplementary.categories | Supplementary coordinates for a data.frame of factors |
supplementary.individuals | Add supplementary individuals to a result object |
taste | Taste dataset |
to.MCA | Convert to MCA class from FactoMineR |
variance | Variance table | | Check if data is valid for soc.mca |
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