political_space97: French Political Space example

political_space97R Documentation

French Political Space example


The example dataset used by Brigitte Le Roux & Henry Rouanet (2004):


Brigitte Le Roux


Perrineau, Pascal, Jean Chiche, Brigitte Le Roux, and Henry Rouanet. “L’espace politique des électeurs français à la fin des années 1990: nouveaux et anciens clivages, hétérogénéité des électorats.” Revue Francaise de Science Politique, no. 3 (June 2000): 463–88.

Le Roux, Brigitte, and Henry Rouanet. Multiple Correspondence Analysis. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2010.


# French Political Space example
political_space97$Democracy <- ifelse(political_space97$Democracy %in% 1:2, "1_2",
political_space97$Politicians <- ifelse(political_space97$Politicians %in% 1:2, "1_2",

#Assigning questions to themes
ethno   <- data.frame(Immigrants = political_space97$Immigrants,
                      "North-Africans" = political_space97$NorthAfricans,
                      Races = political_space97$Races,
                       "At home" = political_space97$AtHome, check.names = FALSE)

autho   <- data.frame("Death Penalty" = political_space97$DeathPenalty,
                       School = political_space97$School, check.names = FALSE)

social  <- data.frame("Strike Effectiveness" = political_space97$StrikeEffectivness,
                       "Strike 95" = political_space97$Strike95,
                      "Unions" = political_space97$Unions,
                      "Public services" = political_space97$PublicServices, check.names = FALSE)

economy <- data.frame(Liberalism = political_space97$Liberalism,
                      Profit = political_space97$Profit,
                      Privatization = political_space97$Privatization,
                      Globalization = political_space97$Globalization, check.names = FALSE)

politics <- data.frame(Democracy = political_space97$Democracy,
                        Politicians = political_space97$Politicians, check.names = FALSE)

supranat <- data.frame(Euro = political_space97$Euro, "EU Power" = political_space97$EUpower,
                       "End EU" = political_space97$EndEU,
                       "EU protection" = political_space97$EUprotection, check.names = FALSE)

# Creating and naming list of headings
active <- list(ethno, autho, social, economy, politics, supranat)
names(active) <- c("Ethnocentrism", "Authoritarianism",
                    "Social", "Economy", "Politics", "Supranationality")
sup    <- data.frame(political_space97$Vote)

result <- soc.mca(active, sup = sup, passive = ": 5")
map.active(result, point.color = result$headings,
           point.shape = result$headings, label.color = result$headings)

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