#' GetAOU
#' Get numeric AOU species code using common name or four letter alpha code
#' @param alpha Data frame containing the (buffered) count data for the focal species
#' @param common Integer vector containing the bioclim variables of interest
#' @return The four digit numeric code for the species of interest
#' @export

GetAOU <- function(alpha = NULL, common = NULL){
    alpha = toupper(alpha)
    if(!alpha %in% code_lookup$alpha)stop("Alpha code not found in the lookup table")
    AOU = code_lookup$AOU[code_lookup$alpha == alpha]}
    common = toupper(common)
    if(!common %in% code_lookup$common)stop("Species not found in the lookup table. \nDouble check spelling and special characters")
    AOU = code_lookup$AOU[code_lookup$common == common]
RushingLab/BBS.SDM documentation built on May 28, 2019, 11:21 a.m.