Man pages for SCBIT-YYLab/DysRegSig
Gene dysregulation analysis and construction of mechanistic signature in cancer

ClinDataExample of clinical data
combineDysregCombine the dysregulations that are robustly associated with...
condiGRNBuild conditional GRN
DEExample of DEGs input for function DysReg and DiffRegPlus
DiffCorDifferential correlation analysis
DiffCorPlusImplement differential correlation analysis based on...
DysRegIdentify gene dysregulations
ExpDataExample of expression data
fitness.AUCCalculate AUC in classifying data for using as fitness...
fitness.CindexCalculate C-Index within survival data for using as fitness...
plotDysregExpVisualize expression pattern of a gene dysreglaiton between...
quantiRegQuantify regulatory intensities of regulations
RankDysRegRank gene dysregulatins
RankDysTFRank TF with dysregulatin degree
tf2tarTF-target regulations
SCBIT-YYLab/DysRegSig documentation built on July 19, 2021, 4:38 a.m.