Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also Examples
Screen the dysregulations that are robustly associated with a specific phenotype by using genetic algorithm and combine the dysregulations for constructing signature.
1 2 3 | combineDysreg(dysreg,,, fitness.func,
pop.size = 1000, select.rate=0.2, add.rate=0.1, mut.rate = 0.1,
topN, train.rate = 0.6, iter=100, verbose = TRUE)
dysreg |
The dysregulations output from | |
Expression matrix. Columns correspond to genes, rows correspond to experiments. The matrix is expected to be already normalized. | |
The phenotype data corresponding to fitness.func. |
fitness.func |
The function for calculating fitness in genetic algorithm. |
pop.size |
The size of random populaiton generated in genetic algorithm. |
select.rate |
The rate of selcting individual with good fitness from population. |
add.rate |
The rate for adding individuals with not good fitness from population. |
mut.rate |
The rate of mutation in genetic algorithm. |
topN |
The top N individuals with best fitness output in each iteration. |
train.rate |
The rate of sample for training model in cross-validation. |
iter |
The times of iteration. |
verbose |
A logical value indicating whether display the computing progress. |
DysRegSig offers two fitness functions for CombineDysreg, fitness.AUC for binary cancer pehnotypes, fitness.Cindex for survival pehnotypes. Users could also build their own fitness functions and conduct to function CombineDysreg.
The results of genetic algorithm:
individ |
The top N individuals with best fitness output in each iteration, from which useers could get the best combination of dysregulaitons and use it to build prdictive signatures. | |
The fitness value for top N individuals. |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 | data(ExpData)
group.1 <- ClinData$sample[which(ClinData$binaryResponse == 'CR/PR')]
exp.1 <- ExpData[,colnames(ExpData) %in% group.1]
group.2 <- ClinData$sample[which(ClinData$binaryResponse == 'SD/PD')]
exp.2 <- ExpData[,colnames(ExpData) %in% group.2]
dysreg.out <- DysReg(exp.1 = exp.1, exp.2 = exp.2, tf2tar,
de.genes = NULL, de.pval = 0.05,
grn.method = 'Boruta',
pValue = 0.01, ci = 0.90, verbose = T)
dysreg.res <- dysreg.out$dysreg
dysreg.rank <- RankDysReg(dysreg = dysreg.res)
dysreg <- dysreg.rank[1:100,1:2] <- ClinData[,c("sample", "binaryResponse")] <-[!$binaryResponse),]
colnames([2] <- "clin.factor"
## use genetic algorithm to search the best combination of dysregulations
combdysreg.out <- combineDysreg(dysreg = dysreg, = ExpData,
fitness.func = 'fitness.AUC', =,
pop.size = 1000, select.rate=0.2,
mut.rate=0.1, add.rate=0.1,
topN = 10, train.rate = 0.6, iter = 100)
## Check the output of combineDysreg <- combdysreg.out$
best.individ <- combdysreg.out$individ
## THe example for building signature from output of combineDysreg
# calculate the frequence of each each dysregualtion among the top N best individuals
freq.res <- vector()
for(i in 1:100){
start <- 10*i-9
end <- 10*i
iter.i <- best.individ[start:end,]
iter.i <- colSums(iter.i)/10
freq.res <- rbind(freq.res,iter.i)
freq.res <- t(freq.res)
colnames(freq.res) <- c(1:100)
rownames(freq.res) <- paste(dysreg$TF,dysreg$Target,sep = '-')
# visualize the frequence of each each dysregualtion among the top N best individuals
pheatmap(freq.res,color = colorRampPalette(c('lightyellow',"orange", "firebrick3"))(1000),
display_numbers = F, cluster_rows = F,cluster_cols = F,
fontsize_row = 8, fontsize_col = 10)
# choose the dysregulations frequently emerged among the top N best individuals as signatures
marker.signatures <- rownames(freq.res)[freq.res[,100] >= 0.9]
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