
search_grid = function(p, d, q){
  o = expand.grid(p,d,q)
  colnames(o) = c("p","d","q")

select_arima_ = function(xt, p = 0L, d = 0L, q = 0L,
                         include.mean = FALSE, class = NULL){

  # Compute sample size
  n = length(xt)

  # Make models
  a = search_grid(p,d,q)

  split(as.matrix(a), row(a)) %>% # Pop by row.
    map(~ arima(xt, order = ., include.mean = include.mean)) -> b

  b %>% map_df(broom::glance) -> model_stats

  b %>% map_dbl(AIC, k = 2*log(log(n))) -> HQ

  model_stats$HQ = HQ

  model_stats = cbind(a, model_stats)

  model_stats %>%
    mutate(models = b) %>%
    gather(ic, value, AIC:HQ) %>%
    group_by(ic) %>%
    mutate(minval = (min(value) == value)) -> model_select

            n = n,
            class = c(class,"select_arima","data.frame"))

# Selection Functions

# #' Auto select
# #'
# #' @rdname select_arima
# #' @export
# select_auto = function(xt,
#                        p.min = 1L, p.max = 6L,
#                        d.min = 0L, d.max = 2L,
#                        q.min = 1L, q.max = 6L,
#                        include.mean = TRUE){
#   p = p.min:p.max
#   d = d.min:d.max
#   q = q.min:q.max
#   # model_info =
#   # if(length(p) != 0L && length(q) == 0L){
#   #   model_info = select_ar(xt, p.min:p.max = p.max, include.mean = TRUE)
#   # } else if(length(q) != 0L && length(p) == 0L){
#   #
#   # } else{
#   #    = select_arima_(xt,
#   #                    p = p.min:p.max,
#   #                    d = d.min:d.max,
#   #                    q = q.min:q.max,
#   #                    include.mean = include.mean)
#   # }
#   # Obtain a plot of the model selection criteria
#   model_info %>%
#     autoplot
#   # Obtain the best model
#   model_info %>%
#     best_model
# }

#' Run Model Selection Criteria on ARIMA Models
#' Performs model fitting and calculates model selection criteria
#' @param xt           A data set
#' @param p.min        Lowest Order AR(P) process to search
#' @param p.max        Highest Order AR(P) process to search
#' @param d.min        Lowest difference of data to take
#' @param d.max        Highest difference of data to take
#' @param q.min        Lowest Order MA(Q) process to search
#' @param q.max        Highest Order MA(Q) process to search
#' @param include.mean Fit ARIMA with the mean or not?
#' @export
#' @rdname select_arima
#' @importFrom purrr map map_df map_dbl
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by mutate
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom broom glance
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
select_arima = function(xt,
                        p.min = 0L, p.max = 5L,
                        d.min = 0L, d.max = 2L,
                        q.min = 0L, q.max = 5L,
                        include.mean = TRUE){

  o = select_arima_(xt,
                    p = p.min:p.max,
                    d = d.min:d.max,
                    q = q.min:q.max,
                    include.mean = include.mean)


#' @export
#' @rdname select_arima
select_arma = function(xt,
                       p.min = 0L, p.max = 5L,
                       q.min = 0L, q.max = 5L,
                       include.mean = TRUE){

  o = select_arima_(xt,
                    p = p.min:p.max,
                    d = 0,
                    q = q.min:q.max,
                    include.mean = include.mean,
                    class = "select_arma")


#' @export
#' @rdname select_arima
select_ar = function(xt, p.min = 1L, p.max = 5L,
                     include.mean = TRUE){
                p = p.min:p.max,
                d = 0L,
                q = 0L,
                include.mean = include.mean,
                class = c("select_comp_diag", "select_comp","select_ar"))


#' @export
#' @rdname select_arima
select_ma = function(xt, q.min = 1, q.max = 10,
                     include.mean = TRUE){
                p = 0L,
                d = 0L,
                q = q.min:q.max,
                include.mean = include.mean,
                class = c("select_comp_diag", "select_comp", "select_ma"))

#' Select the best model
#' Retrieves the best model
#' @param x  An object from either \code{\link{select_arima}},
#'  \code{\link{select_arma}}, \code{\link{select_ar}}, or \code{\link{select_ma}}.
#' @param ic Type of criterion to use in selecting the best model.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sunspot.year %>%
#'  gts(start = 1700, freq = 1) %>%
#'  select_ar(p.min = 1, p.max = 8) %>%
#'  best_model(ic = "bic")
#' @importFrom dplyr filter_
best_model = function(x, ic = "aic"){

  criterion = switch(tolower(ic),
         "aic" = "AIC",
         "bic" = "BIC",
         "hq" = "HQ",
         stop("`criterion` not Supported!"))

  crt = paste0("ic == '", criterion,"' & (minval == TRUE)")

  x %>%
    filter_(crt) -> o

  # Figure this out in the future...
  o$models[[1]]$call$order = eval(parse(text=paste0("c(",o$p,",",o$d,",",o$q,")")))


#' Visualize Select Model Functions
#' Provides a model comparison
#' @param x,object An object that is either of type \code{\link{select_ar}}
#'  or \code{\link{select_ma}}.
#' @export
#' @rdname select_comp
plot.select_comp = function(x, ...){
  autoplot.select_comp(object = x, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname select_comp
autoplot.select_comp = function(object, ...){

  ar_component = inherits(object, "select_ar")

  if(!(ar_component || inherits(object, "select_ma"))){
    stop("This function is not meant to visualize `select_arima` and `select_arma`")

    data_cast = aes(x = p, y = value, group = ic, color = ic)
  } else {
    data_cast = aes(x = q, y = value, group = ic, color = ic)

  ggplot(object, data_cast) +
    geom_line(size = 1) +
    geom_point(data = subset(object, minval == TRUE), size = 3) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(legend.position="top")  +
    labs(x = if(ar_component){ "Autoregressive (p)" } else { "Moving Average (q)" },
         y = "Criterion value",
         color = "Criterion")


#' Plot ARIMA Selection Matrix
#' Constructs a facet wrapped graph showing model selection
#' criteria over multiple terms
#' @param x,object An object that is either of type \code{\link{select_arima}}
#'  or \code{\link{select_arma}}.
#' @export
#' @rdname plot.select_arima
plot.select_arima = function(x, ...){
  autoplot.select_arima(object = x, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname plot.select_arima
#' @importFrom ggplot2 autoplot
autoplot.select_arima = function(object, ...){

  wrap_type = if(inherits(object, "select_arma")){
    facet_wrap( ~ q)
  } else{
    facet_grid(q ~ d)

  ggplot(object, aes(x = p, y = value, group = ic, color = ic)) +
    geom_line(size = 1) +
    wrap_type + # defined above
    geom_point(data = subset(object, minval == TRUE), size = 3) +
    theme_bw() + labs(
      x = "Autoregressive order",
      y = "Criterion value",
      color = "Criterion")


plot.select_comp_diag = function(x, ...){

SMAC-Group/exts documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:15 a.m.