
Defines functions GKGextractcameo

#' Extract CAMEO events from GKG
#' From a GKG subset dataframe, return a dataframe of all linked CAMEO event IDs.
#' If \code{justvector=TRUE}, the fuction will return only a vector of linked CAMEO event IDs rather than the complete dataframe of all matching events. 
#' @param df A dataframe of GKG namesets
#' @param justvector Return vector of ID numbers instead of actual data frame?
#' @return gdelt.df A vector of all linked CAMEO event IDs 
#' @keywords GDELT, gdeltr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cameos.events <- GKGextractcameo(mexico.cartels)

GKGextractcameo <- function(df, justvector=TRUE) {
 if (!"CAMEOEVENTIDS" %in% names(df)) stop("No column named 'CAMEOEVENTIDS'")
 if (length(raw)==0) stop("No rows in input data frame.")
 cameoeventids <- unlist(strsplit(raw, split=","))
 if (justvector==TRUE){
 if (justvector==FALSE){
   # need to check if there's a 'hist.db' and 'daily.db'
   # More importantly, need to figure out how to pull records like this.
   stop("This feature isn't complete yet")
   hist <- as.data.frame(filter(hist.db, GLOBALEVENTID==cameoeventids))
   daily <- as.data.frame(filter(daily.db, GLOBALEVENTID==cameoeventids))
   gdelt.df <- rbind(hist, daily)
SNaveenMathew/gdeltR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 2:29 p.m.