#' Weighted GlmmLASSO
#' GLMM LASSO with weights for each record. This can be used when we have a biased sample.
#' @param x Data frame or matrix of candidate predictors time-invariant and longitudinal from the full data.
#' @param y Vector of longitudinal outcome of interest.
#' @param weights Sampling weights.
#' @param rowid Observed row id this will match with the length of weights.
#' @param lvars Longitudinal variable names.
#' @param family family object to specify the link function for outcome.
#' @param withlong a logical parameter to decide if the weighted linear mixed model depends on longitudinal predictors.
#' @import dplyr glmmLasso glmnet doParallel lme4 missForest REEMtree MASS nlme
#' @return The GLMM LASSO model under given weights.
wlmmLasso <- function(x,y,yname,weights,rowid,ID="ID",lvars,
family=gaussian(link = "identity"),withlong=FALSE){
#Input validation testa
if(!class(x) %in% c("data.frame","matrix")) stop("Invalid x input.")
if(!class(y) %in% c("vector","data.frame","matrix","numeric","character","integer")) stop("Invalid y input.")
if(length(weights) != length(rowid)) stop("Invalid weights and observed data selection.")
#Variable selection with glm(can only select static variables.)
#if(class(y) %in% c("data.frame","matrix")){y=c(y)}
if("data.frame" %in% class(y)) y <- as.numeric(y[,1])
delnames <- names(x)[names(x) %in% lvars]
x <- x %>% dplyr::select(-delnames)
} else {
x.train <- x[rowid,]
x.test <- x[-rowid,]
y.train <- y[rowid]
y.test <- y[-rowid]
varselect <- cv.glmnet(x=as.matrix(x.train %>% dplyr::select(-ID)),y=y.train,weights = weights, alpha=1)
varselect <- glmnet(x=as.matrix(x.train %>% dplyr::select(-ID)),
y=y.train,weights = weights, alpha=1,lambda = varselect$lambda.min)
coefs = as.matrix(coef(varselect)) # convert to a matrix (p by 1)
ix = which(abs(coefs[,1]) > 0)
if(svars[1]== "(Intercept)") svars<-svars[-1]
#Fit GLMM with the selected variables and weights.
glmmform <- as.formula(paste(yname,"~",paste(svars,collapse = "+"),paste("+(1|",ID,")",sep = "")))
suppressWarnings(glmmmodel <- glmer(glmmform,data = train.data,weights = weights,family = family))
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