Man pages for SPRFMO/jjmr
Graphics and diagnostics tools for SPRFMO's Joint Jack Mackerel model

changeNameModelChange the internal name of a model
combineModelsCombine outputs
compareModelsCompare combined JJM outputs
diagnosticsGenerate Assessment plots from single model
fixed_bmsyCalculate or input a fixed Bmsy value for the jjm model...
get_age_fitsGet fits to indices
get_catchabilitiesGet estimated catchability coefficients
get_fishing_mortalityGet fishing mortality at age
gethAdd hypothesis number to a model name
get_index_fitsGet fits to indices
get_len_fitsGet fits to length compositions
get_msy_mtGet and tidy msy_my table
get_recruitsGet estimated recruits
get_selectivitiesGet and tidy selectivity-at-age ogives over time by model and...
getterGet elements of a list by string matching on name
get_totalsGet total metrics (biomass, spawning biomass, and...
jjmR-packageTools to process and get results from Joint Jack Mackerel...
kobeKobe plot
pipePipe operator
plot_selectivitiesPlot selectivities by age, year, fleet, and model
readExFilesRead external files
readJJMRead a model or list of models
readJJMConfigRead dat and ctl files from disk to create a jjm.config...
reportCreate a report from JJM outputs
retroRun a retrospective analysis diagnostic for a JJM model
runitFit, run, read and plot a JJM model
runJJMRun a JJM model
theme_jjmggplot2 theme for jjmR
tidy_JJMTidy results of JJM model
writeJJMWrite dat and ctl files from a JJM model stored in R
SPRFMO/jjmr documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 3:12 p.m.