
# Function to map codes from ISSCFC to ASFIS alphacode

isscfc2asfis <- function(codes, version = "latest"){ 
  ## Data Quality Checks
  # Class of the columns (character, numeric, double, etc)
  stopifnot(is(codes, "character"))
    stop("No swsContext.datasets object defined.  Thus, you probably ",
         "won't be able to read from the SWS and so this function won't ",
  # validversions = c("latest", "2.1preliminary", "2.1")
  # latestversion = "2.1"
  # stopifnot(version %in% validversions)
  # if(version == "latest"){
  #   version = latestversion
  # }
  map_ii <- faosws::ReadDatatable("fishery_item_mapping")
  map_ia <- faosws::ReadDatatable("fishery_primary_mapping")
  stopifnot(codes %in% map_ii$isscfc)

 # aaa<- merge(map_ii, map_ia, by = "isscaap", all = TRUE,
 #        allow.cartesian = TRUE)
  out_ii <- merge(data.table(isscfc = unique(codes)), map_ii, by = "isscfc",
                 all.x = TRUE, allow.cartesian = TRUE)
  colnames(out_ii) <- c("measuredItemISSCFC", "isscaap", "ics", "English.Name")
  out_ia <- merge(out_ii, map_ia, by = "isscaap",
                  all.x = TRUE, allow.cartesian = TRUE)
  ## Set the key so we can sort by passing in the vector
  setkeyv(out_ia, "measuredItemISSCFC")
  return(list(ASFIS = unique(out_ia[codes, .(measuredItemISSCFC, alphacode), allow.cartesian = TRUE]),
              Whole = out_ia))

# Test:
# vec <- c("","")
# prova <- isscfc2asfis(vec)
# prova1 <- isscfc2asfis(vec[1], isscfcISSCAAP, asfisISSCAAP)
# prova2 <- isscfc2asfis(vec[2], isscfcISSCAAP, asfisISSCAAP)
# vec1 <- c("034.1.1","","",
#           "","","","","")
# prova3 <- isscfc2asfis(vec1, isscfcISSCAAP, asfisISSCAAP)
SWS-Methodology/faoswsFisheryStandardization documentation built on July 3, 2022, 6:11 p.m.