
#' Looks for corresponding FCL codes in country-specific
#' mapping tables from MDB files
#' @param hs Numeric or character vector with HS codes to convert to FCL.
#' @param areacode Numeric or character vector with reporters' codes.
#' @param flowname Numeric or character vector of trade direction.
#' @param mapdataset Data frame with HS->FCL mapping with columns area,
#'   flow, fromcode, tocode, fcl
#'   registered with doParallel package.
#' @return Data frame with columns id, area, flow, hsorig, hsext, fcl. 
#'   id holds row numbers of original dataset. hsorig is input hs. hsext is 
#'   input hs with additional zeros if requires. If there are multiple 
#'   HS->FCL matchings, all of them are returned with similar id. If 
#'   there were no matching FCL codes, NA in fcl column is returned.
#' @details Input hs, areacode and flowname columns are used to build 
#'   data frame with hs-codes to convert. Probably it is easier to 
#'   pass a data frame, then separate vectors.
#' @import dplyr
#' @export

hsInRange <- function(hs, 
                      parallel = FALSE) {
  # Constructing of data.frame with original hs codes.
    stop("Vectors of different length")
  stopifnot("recordnumb" %in% colnames(mapdataset))
  df <- data_frame(hs = hs,
                   areacode = areacode,
                   flowname = flowname) %>% 
    mutate(id = row_number())
  # Splitting of trade dataset by area and flow
  # and applying mapping function to each part
  # TODO: define the function outside and refer to 
  # it by name for easy performance profiling
  df_fcl <- plyr::ddply(
    .variables = c("areacode", "flowname"),
    .fun = function(subdf) {
      # Subsetting mapping file
      mapdataset <- mapdataset %>%
        filter_(~area == subdf$areacode[1],
                ~flow == subdf$flowname[1])

      # If no corresponding records in map return empty df
      if(nrow(mapdataset) == 0) 
          id = subdf$id,
          hs = subdf$hs,                                                
          fcl = as.integer(NA),
          recordnumb = as.numeric(NA)))
      # Align length of HS codes in map and dataset
      # to make possible comparison of numbers
      aligned <- alignHSLength(subdf$hs, mapdataset)
      #Replacing original hs codes by aligned versions
      subdf$hs <- aligned$hs
      mapdataset <- aligned$mapdataset
      # Split original data.frame by row,
      # and looking for matching fcl codes 
      # for each input hs code.
      # If there are multiple matchings we return
      # all matches.
      fcl <- plyr::ldply(
        function(currentid) {
          # Put single hs code into a separate variable
          hs <- subdf %>% 
            filter_(~id == currentid) %>% 
            select_(~hs) %>% 
            unlist() %>% unname()
          mapdataset <- mapdataset %>%
            filter_(~fromcode <= hs &
                      tocode >= hs)
          # If no corresponding HS range is 
          # available return empty integer
          if(nrow(mapdataset) == 0) {
            fcl <- as.integer(NA)
            recordnumb <- as.numeric(NA)
          if(nrow(mapdataset) == 1L) {
             fcl <- mapdataset$fcl
             recordnumb <- mapdataset$recordnumb
             # Selection of the narrowest hs range
          if(nrow(mapdataset) > 1L) {
            mapdataset <- mapdataset %>%
              mutate_(hsrange = ~tocode - fromcode) %>% 
              filter_(~hsrange == min(hsrange))
            # If there are still several options
            # we choose the yougest
            if(nrow(mapdataset) > 1L) {
              mapdataset <- mapdataset %>%
               filter_(~recordnumb == max(recordnumb))
            stopifnot(nrow(mapdataset) == 1L)
            fcl <- mapdataset$fcl
            recordnumb <- mapdataset$recordnumb
          data_frame(id = currentid, 
                     hs = hs,
                     fcl = fcl,
                     recordnumb = recordnumb)
    .parallel = parallel, 
    .progress = ifelse(interactive() & !parallel, "text", "none")
  df <- df %>%
    rename_(hsorig = ~hs) %>% 
    # Joining original trade dataset 
    # with new dataset containing fcl codes
              by = c("id", "areacode", "flowname")) %>% 
            area = ~areacode, 
            flow = ~flowname,
            hsext = ~hs,

SWS-Methodology/hsfclmap documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:53 a.m.