:arrow_right: ASHG 2022 poster is available here.



The majority of the code for PathWAS was written by Sebastian May-Wilson while working with Dr. Nicola Pirastu.

The package relies on numerous other packages including: MendelianRandomization, KEGGgraph, KEGGrest and ieugwasr. It also includes code written by Dr. Verena Zuber.


PathWAS is an R package designed to attempt to predict pathway functionality from multi-omics data. It attempts to create a polygenic risk score (PRS) for a given pathway (extracted from online databases) using a measured -omics (usually proteomics) end-point as a proxy for total functionality. This model can then be applied to PheWAS methods to try and find complex traits associated with your pathway/s of interest.

This is a multi-step process which ideally can be run from top to bottom with the correct data in the right format.

This README will describe the rationale of the package, then list the main and important functions of PathWAS, followed finally by a demonstration of how to run the package from top to bottom.


The concept of PathWAS is that if we assume a biological pathway is a series of chemical reactions relying on the expression of different genes/proteins, then increased expression of these genes will lead to increased (or decreased) activity at that step of the pathway. Therefore in it's simplest terms the combined activity of the pathway can be estimated by the cumulative expression of each gene in the pathway.

Genes relating to a pathway can be either extracted from an online database (e.g. KEGG, Reactome, etc) or personally curated.

We obtain the expression levels of the pathway genes from QTLs. Again, these can be either in-house QTLs or from numerous online sources. The PathWAS package was created and tested using both eQTLs from GTEx v.8 and eQTLgen. In theory, however, it may be even more useful to use pQTLs if a dataset is available with enough gene coverage (an important aspect of PathWAS is including as many genes from a pathway as possible and at present most pQTL datasets are limited to smaller numbers of proteins than genes in eQTL sets).

These QTLs are then used in a multi-variable MR against your selected end-point -omics. PathWAS was created and tested using in-house proteomics from the SCALLOP consortium and from the ORCADES cohort, but theoretically if you have the GWAS and measurements of another form of omics (e.g. metabolomics or even transcriptomics) you can use these. In this step the SNPs from your QTLs are clumped and then used to create an MR input object. These SNPs are used as instrumental variables for the MR (with the genes as exposures) against the SNPs from your selected omics.

Pre-requisites of PathWAS

This section contains a list of files and inputs (and the format of the various files, where necessary) for the complete running of PathWAS. Some files/steps are highlighted as being optional.

Primary functions and requirements of PathWAS

This does list not include functions used within other PathWAS functions.

Sabor117/PathWAS documentation built on Nov. 29, 2024, 7:44 a.m.