transcript_check: Check whether a gene is transcribed via the pathway (I.e. via...

View source: R/transcript_check.R

transcript_checkR Documentation

Check whether a gene is transcribed via the pathway (I.e. via interaction with DNA)


transcript_check returns a single row of a data frame, containing the interactions leading to it in KEGG.


transcript_check(pathway, gene_entrez, kegg_file = "./")



character. KEGG pathway ID (e.g.: hsa05131).


character or numeric. Entrez gene ID.


character. Full file location of a KEGG KGML file.


This function uses a defined KEGG KGML, pathway name, and Entrz gene. It searches the KGML for this gene (only in nodes which the gene is at the end of an interaction) and then returns those rows to the function user. If the "type" of interaction is GErel, this is defined by KEGG as "gene expression interaction, indicating relation of transcription factor and target gene product" and therefore, this is a gene product which is transcribed through the pathway.

Sabor117/PathWAS documentation built on Nov. 29, 2024, 7:44 a.m.