
# Automatically downloads and reads an OSF file:
readOSF <- function(
  code, # Either "https://osf.io/XXXXX/" or just the code
  readfun, # Can be missing to be automatically detected
  ... # Arguments sent to the read function
  # Download file to temp dir:
  fileLocation <- getOSFfile(code, tempdir())
  # If readfun is missing, detect it:
  if (missing(readfun)){
    fileex <- regmatches(fileLocation,regexpr("(?<=\\.).{1,4}$", fileLocation, perl=TRUE))
    readfun <- switch(fileex,
           xlsx = xlsx::read.xlsx, # Excel file
           xls = gdata::read.xls, # Old excel file
           csv = read.csv, # CSV
           txt = read.table, # Normal table
           sav = foreign::read.spss, # Read SPSS
           dta = foreign::read.dta
  # Read data and return:
  return(readfun(fileLocation, ...))
SachaEpskamp/OSF2R documentation built on May 9, 2019, 12:07 p.m.