
Defines functions checkInput

# Function that checks input and returns the functions:
checkInput <- function(
  default = c("none", "EBICglasso","ggmModSelect", "pcor","IsingFit","IsingSampler", "huge","adalasso","mgm","relimp", 
  fun, # Estimator function
  # prepFun, # Fun to produce the correlation or covariance matrix
  # prepArgs, # list with arguments for the correlation function
  # estFun, # function that results in a network
  # estArgs, # arguments sent to the graph estimation function (if missing automatically sample size is included)
  # graphFun, # set to identity if missing
  # graphArgs, # Set to null if missing
  # intFun, # Set to null if missing
  # intArgs, # Set to null if missing
  # nSample,
  # construct = c("default","function","arguments"),
  .dots = list(),
  ... # Arguments to the estimator function
  construct <- "function"
  if (default[[1]]=="glasso") default <- "EBICglasso"
  if (default[[1]]=="IsingSampler") default <- "IsingSampler"
  default <- match.arg(default)
  # construct <- match.arg(construct)
  if (missing(fun)){
    fun <- NULL
  # Stop if not compatible:
  dots <- c(.dots,list(...))
  # gather names:
  argNames <- character(0)
  # if (!missing(prepFun)){
  #   argNames <- c(argNames,"prepFun")
  # }
  # if (!missing(prepArgs)){
  #   argNames <- c(argNames,"prepArgs")
  # }
  # if (!missing(estFun)){
  #   argNames <- c(argNames,"estFun")
  # }
  # if (!missing(estArgs)){
  #   argNames <- c(argNames,"estArgs")
  # }
  # if (!missing(graphFun)){
  #   argNames <- c(argNames,"graphFun")
  # }
  # if (!missing(graphArgs)){
  #   argNames <- c(argNames,"graphArgs")
  # }
  # if (!missing(intFun)){
  #   argNames <- c(argNames,"intFun")
  # }
  # if (!missing(intArgs)){
  #   argNames <- c(argNames,"intArgs")
  # }
  # # Not compatible if construct is used:
  # if (length(dots) > 0 && construct == "arguments"){
  #   stop(paste0("Ambiguous argument specification. Old functonality is used (construct = 'arguments') in combination with new functionality arguments (implying construct = 'function'): ",
  #               paste0("'",names(dots),"'",collapse="; "),". These arguments are NOT compatible!"))
  # }
  # # relimp not compatable with old:
  # if (construct == "arguments" & default == "relimp"){
  #   stop("default = 'relimp' not supported with old bootnet style (construct = 'arguments')")
  # }
  # if (length(argNames) > 0 && construct == "function"){
  #   stop(paste0("Ambiguous argument specification. New functonality is used (construct = 'function') in combination with old functionality arguments (implying construct = 'arguments'): ",
  #               paste0("'",argNames,"'",collapse="; "),". These arguments are NOT compatible!"))
  # }
  # # not compatible if both dots are used and arguments are used:
  # if (length(argNames) > 0 & length(dots) > 0){
  #   stop(paste0("Ambiguous argument specification. Both old functionality arguments are used, compatible with construct = 'arguments': ",
  #               paste0("'",argNames,"'",collapse="; "),", as well as new functionality arguments are used, compatible with construct = 'function': ",
  #               paste0("'",names(dots),"'",collapse="; "),". These two types of arguments are NOT compatible!"))
  # }
  # # Check to construct via function or to construct via arguments:
  # # if no default and no fun, use arguments:
  # if (construct == "default"){
  #   construct <- "function"
  #   if (default == "none" && is.null(fun)){
  #     construct <- "arguments"
  #   }
  #   # If fun is missing, default is not none and one argument is not missing, use arguments (backward competability):
  #   if (default != "none" && is.null(fun) && (!missing(prepFun) | !missing(prepArgs) | !missing(estFun) | !missing(estArgs))){
  #     construct <- "arguments"
  #   }
  # }
  # # Check if arguments are not missing:
  # if (default == "none" && construct == "arguments"){
  #   if (missing(prepFun) | missing(prepArgs) | missing(estFun) | missing(estArgs)){
  #     stop("If 'default' is not set and 'fun' is missing, 'prepFun', 'prepArgs', 'estFun' and 'estArgs' may not be missing.")
  #   }
  # }
  ### Construct estimator function via function:
  if (construct == "function"){
    # Arguments:
      Args <- dots
      # # Warn user that arguments are ignored:
      # if (!missing(prepFun)){
      #   warning("'prepFun' argument is ignored as a function is used as arguments. To use 'prepFun', please set construct = 'arguments'")
      # }
      # if (!missing(prepArgs)){
      #   warning("'prepArgs' argument is ignored as a function is used as arguments. To use 'prepArgs', please set construct = 'arguments'")
      # }
      # if (!missing(estFun)){
      #   warning("'estFun' argument is ignored as a function is used as arguments. To use 'estFun', please set construct = 'arguments'")
      # }
      # if (!missing(estArgs)){
      #   warning("'estArgs' argument is ignored as a function is used as arguments. To use 'estArgs', please set construct = 'arguments'")
      # }
      # if (!missing(graphFun)){
      #   warning("'graphFun' argument is ignored as a function is used as arguments. To use 'graphFun', please set construct = 'arguments'")
      # }
      # if (!missing(graphArgs)){
      #   warning("'graphArgs' argument is ignored as a function is used as arguments. To use 'graphArgs', please set construct = 'arguments'")
      # }
      # if (!missing(intFun)){
      #   warning("'intFun' argument is ignored as a function is used as arguments. To use 'intFun', please set construct = 'arguments'")
      # }
      # if (!missing(intArgs)){
      #   warning("'intArgs' argument is ignored as a function is used as arguments. To use 'intArgs', please set construct = 'arguments'")
      # }
      # per default:
      if (default == "none"){
        Function <- fun
      } else if (default == "EBICglasso"){
        Function <- bootnet_EBICglasso
      } else if (default == "ggmModSelect"){
        Function <- bootnet_ggmModSelect
      } else if (default == "IsingFit"){
        Function <- bootnet_IsingFit
      } else if (default == "IsingSampler"){
        Function <- bootnet_IsingSampler
      } else if (default == "pcor"){
        Function <- bootnet_pcor
      } else if (default == "cor"){
        Function <- bootnet_cor
      } else if (default == "adalasso"){
        Function <- bootnet_adalasso
      } else if (default == "huge"){
        Function <- bootnet_huge
      } else if (default == "mgm"){
        Function <- bootnet_mgm
      } else if (default == "relimp"){
        Function <- bootnet_relimp
      } else if (default == "TMFG"){
        Function <- bootnet_TMFG
      } else if (default == "LoGo"){
        Function <- 
      } else if (default == "graphicalVAR"){
        Function <- bootnet_graphicalVAR  
      } else if (default == "piecewiseIsing"){
        Function <- bootnet_piecewiseIsing
      } else if (default == "SVAR_lavaan"){
        Function <- bootnet_SVAR_lavaan  
      } else if (default == "GGMncv"){
        Function <- bootnet_GGMncv 
      } else stop("Currently not supported.")
      # } else {
      #   warning("Arguments (prepFun, estFun, etcetera) used to construct estimator. This functionality is deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future version of bootnet. Please consult the manual or contact the authors.")
      #   # Check dots, and warn user:
      #   if (length(dots) > 0){
      #     dotNames <- names(dots)
      #     warning(paste0("Arguments (prepFun, estFun, etcetera) used to construct estimator. As a result, the following arguments are ignored: ",paste0("'",dotNames,"'", collapse = ", "),". To use these arguments use construct = 'function' and supply a default set or set the 'fun' argument. In addition, do not use the 'prepFun', 'estFun', etcetera arguments."))
      #   }
      #   # Construct via arguments
      #   if (!(default == "none")){
      #     # prepFun:
      #     if (missing(prepFun)){
      #       prepFun <- switch(default,
      #                         EBICglasso = qgraph::cor_auto,
      #                         IsingFit = binarize,
      #                         IsingSampler = binarize,
      #                         pcor = qgraph::cor_auto,
      #                         huge = function(x)huge::huge.npn(na.omit(as.matrix(x)),verbose = FALSE),
      #                         adalasso = identity
      #       )
      #       #       prepFun <- switch(default,
      #       #                         EBICglasso = cor,
      #       #                         IsingFit = binarize,
      #       #                         pcor = cor
      #       #       )      
      #     }
      #     # prepArgs:
      #     #     qgraphVersion <- packageDescription("qgraph")$Version
      #     #     qgraphVersion <- as.numeric(strsplit(qgraphVersion,split="\\.|\\-")[[1]])
      #     #     if (length(qgraphVersion)==1) qgraphVersion <- c(qgraphVersion,0)
      #     #     if (length(qgraphVersion)==2) qgraphVersion <- c(qgraphVersion,0)
      #     #     goodVersion <- 
      #     #       (qgraphVersion[[1]] >= 1 & qgraphVersion[[2]] >= 3 & qgraphVersion[[3]] >= 1) | 
      #     #       (qgraphVersion[[1]] >= 1 & qgraphVersion[[2]] > 3) | 
      #     #       qgraphVersion[[1]] > 1
      #     if (missing(prepArgs)){
      #       prepArgs <- switch(default,
      #                          EBICglasso = ifElse(identical(prepFun,qgraph::cor_auto),list(verbose=verbose),
      #                                              ifElse(identical(prepFun,cor),list(use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),list())),
      #                          IsingFit = list(),
      #                          pcor =  ifElse(identical(prepFun,qgraph::cor_auto),list(verbose=verbose),
      #                                         ifElse(identical(prepFun,cor),list(use = "pairwise.complete.obs"),list())),
      #                          IsingSampler = list(),
      #                          huge = list(),
      #                          adalasso = list()
      #       )
      #     }
      # # estFun:
      # if (missing(estFun)){
      #   estFun <- switch(default,
      #                    EBICglasso = qgraph::EBICglasso,
      #                    pcor = corpcor::cor2pcor,
      #                    IsingFit = IsingFit::IsingFit,
      #                    IsingSampler = IsingSampler::EstimateIsing,
      #                    huge = function(x)huge::huge.select(huge::huge(x,method = "glasso",verbose=FALSE), criterion = "ebic",verbose = FALSE),
      #                    adalasso = parcor::adalasso.net
      #   )
      # }
      # # estArgs:
      # if (missing(estArgs)){
      #   estArgs <- switch(default,
      #                     EBICglasso = list(n = nSample, returnAllResults = TRUE),
      #                     IsingFit = list(plot = FALSE, progress = FALSE),
      #                     pcor = list(),
      #                     IsingSampler = list(method = "ll"),
      #                     huge = list(),
      #                     adalasso = list()
      #   )
      # }
      # # graphFun:
      # if (missing(graphFun)){
      #   graphFun <- switch(default,
      #                      EBICglasso = function(x)x[['optnet']],
      #                      IsingFit = function(x)x[['weiadj']],
      #                      pcor = function(x)as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(x)),
      #                      IsingSampler = function(x)x[['graph']],
      #                      huge = function(x)as.matrix(qgraph::wi2net(as.matrix(x$opt.icov))),
      #                      adalasso = function(x)as.matrix(Matrix::forceSymmetric(x$pcor.adalasso))
      #   )
      # }
      # # graphArgs:
      # if (missing(graphArgs)){
      #   graphArgs <- switch(default,
      #                       EBICglasso = list(),
      #                       IsingFit = list(),
      #                       pcor = list(),
      #                       IsingSampler = list(),
      #                       huge = list(),
      #                       adalasso = list()
      #   )
      # }
      # intFun:
      # if (missing(intFun)){
      #   intFun <- switch(default,
      #                    EBICglasso = null,
      #                    IsingFit = function(x)x[['thresholds']],
      #                    pcor = null,
      #                    IsingSampler = function(x) x[['thresholds']],
      #                    huge = null,
      #                    adalasso = null
      #   )
      # }
      # }
      # if (missing(prepFun)){
      #   prepFun <- identity
      # }
      # if (missing(prepArgs)){
      #   prepArgs <- list()
      # }
      # if (missing(graphFun)){
      #   graphFun <- identity
      # }
      # if (missing(graphArgs)){
      #   graphArgs <- list()
      # }
      # if (missing(intFun)){
      #   intFun <- null
      # }
      # if (missing(intArgs)){
      #   intArgs <- list()
      # }
      # Function:
      # Function <- bootnet_argEstimator
      #   # List of arguents:
      #   Args <- list(
      #     prepFun = prepFun,
      #     prepArgs = prepArgs,
      #     estFun = estFun,
      #     estArgs = estArgs,
      #     graphFun = graphFun,
      #     graphArgs = graphArgs,
      #     intFun = intFun,
      #     intArgs = intArgs
      #   )
      # }
  # Output:
  Output <- list(
    data = data,
    default = default,
    estimator = Function,
    arguments = Args
SachaEpskamp/bootnet documentation built on June 24, 2024, 6:57 a.m.