
#' Package-local cache if we ever want to stash anything in a cache specific to this package
.cache <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())

#' Package-local cache getter
#' @param key the key of the value to be returned
#' @return the value for that key or null
.getCache <-

#' Package-local cache setter
#' @param key the key of the value to be cached
#' @param value the value to be cached
.setCache <-
		function(key, value)
	.cache[[key]] <- value

#' Package-local cache deleter
#' @param key the key of the key/value pair to be deleted from the cache
.deleteCache <-
	indx <- which(keys %in% ls(.cache))
	if(length(indx) > 0)
		rm(list=keys[indx], envir=.cache)

#' Package defaults
.onLoad <-
		function(libname, pkgname)
	.setCache("debug", FALSE)
Sage-Bionetworks/predictiveModeling documentation built on May 9, 2019, 12:12 p.m.