
# Retrieves version information.
# Compares own version to latest
# Author: brucehoff

checkLatestVersion<-function() {
  # get my own version
  myOwnVersion<-packageDescription("synapseClient", fields="Version")
  .checkLatestVersionGivenMyVersion(myOwnVersion, serverVersion)

.majorVersion<-function(v) {strsplit(v, "[-]")[[1]][1]}

.majorVersionDiff<-function(v1, v2) {
  .majorVersion(v1) < .majorVersion(v2)

# for testing purposes returns the printed message
.checkLatestVersionGivenMyVersion<-function(myOwnVersion, serverVersion) {
  if (is.null(myOwnVersion) || myOwnVersion=="") return("")
  # get the latest version, release notes, black list, and optional user message
  # a local cache is used to avoid making too many web service calls for this static info
  versionInfo <- getVersionInfo()
  msg <-  NULL
  # in the unlikely/transient event that there is a more up-to-date client but that client is *blacklisted* for this server, 
  # then we suppress telling the user to update their client.  They will receive the message once the latest client works with the server
  if (.majorVersionDiff(myOwnVersion, versionInfo$latestVersion) && !.versionIsBlackListed(versionInfo$latestVersion, serverVersion, versionInfo$blacklist)) {
    msg <- sprintf("Please upgrade to the latest version of the Synapse Client, %s, by running the following commands:\n\tsource('http://depot.sagebase.org/CRAN.R')\n\tpkgInstall(\"synapseClient\")\n\n%s\n\n%s\n",
      versionInfo$latestVersion, versionInfo$releaseNotes, versionInfo$message)
  } else if (nchar(versionInfo$message)>0){
    msg <- sprintf("\n\n%s\n", versionInfo$message)
  if (!is.null(msg)) {
Sage-Bionetworks/rSynapseClient documentation built on May 9, 2019, 7:04 p.m.