

test_that("ggsave creates file", {
  path <- tempfile()

  p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()

  ggsave(path, p, device = "pdf", width = 5, height = 5)

# plot_dim ---------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("guesses and informs if dim not specified", {
  png(width = 10, height = 10, units = "in", res = 300)

  expect_message(out <- plot_dim(), "10 x 10")
  expect_equal(out, c(10, 10))

test_that("uses 7x7 if no graphics device open", {
  expect_equal(plot_dim(), c(7, 7))

test_that("warned about large plot unless limitsize = FALSE", {
  expect_error(plot_dim(c(50, 50)), "exceed 50 inches")
  expect_equal(plot_dim(c(50, 50), limitsize = FALSE), c(50, 50))

test_that("scale multiplies height & width", {
  expect_equal(plot_dim(c(10, 10), scale = 1), c(10, 10))
  expect_equal(plot_dim(c(5, 5), scale = 2), c(10, 10))

# plot_dev ---------------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("function passed back unchanged", {
  expect_equal(plot_dev(png), png)

test_that("unknown device triggers error", {
  expect_error(plot_dev("xyz"), "Unknown graphics device")
  expect_error(plot_dev(NULL, "test.xyz"), "Unknown graphics device")

test_that("text converted to function", {
  expect_identical(body(plot_dev("png"))[[1]], quote(grDevices::png))
  expect_identical(body(plot_dev("pdf"))[[1]], quote(grDevices::pdf))

test_that("if device is NULL, guess from extension", {
  expect_identical(body(plot_dev(NULL, "test.png"))[[1]], quote(grDevices::png))

# parse_dpi ---------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("DPI string values are parsed correctly", {
  expect_type(parse_dpi("print"), "double")
  expect_type(parse_dpi("screen"), "double")
  expect_type(parse_dpi("retina"), "double")
  expect_type(parse_dpi(100), "double")
  expect_type(parse_dpi(300L), "integer")

test_that("invalid single-string DPI values throw an error", {
  expect_error(parse_dpi("abc"), "Unknown DPI string")

test_that("invalid non-single-string DPI values throw an error", {
  expect_error(parse_dpi(factor(100)), "DPI must be a single number or string")
  expect_error(parse_dpi(c("print", "screen")), "DPI must be a single number or string")
  expect_error(parse_dpi(c(150, 300)), "DPI must be a single number or string")
  expect_error(parse_dpi(list(150)), "DPI must be a single number or string")
SahaRahul/ggplot2 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 1:46 p.m.