
#' Provides run time definition for ECMWF's S4 models
#' Output is passed to \code{getRunTimeDomain} for used-defined subsets.
#' @param runDatesAll A POSIXlt vector with all runtime dates in the dataset    
#' @param validMonth Integer. Initialization month.
#' @param years Numeric vector of years selected
#' @return A list with two elements:
#' \begin{itemize}
#' \item runDates a POSIXlt vector of initialization dates
#' \item runTimeRanges a list of of initialization times, in the form of java ranges, as required by makeSubset.
#' \end{itemize}
#' @details The input/outoputs are slightly different than getRuntimeDomain.CFS because of the 
#' different ensemble member configuration
#' @author J. Bedia \email{joaquin.bedia@@gmail.com}
getRunTimeDomain.S4 <- function(runDatesAll, validMonth, years) {
      runTimesAll <- which(runDatesAll$mon == (validMonth - 1))
      if (length(runTimesAll) == 0) {
            stop(paste("Incompatible 'leadMonth' and 'season' argument values.\nInitializations in", paste(month.name[unique(runDatesAll$mon + 1)], collapse = ", ")))
      runDatesValidMonth <- runDatesAll[runTimesAll]
      runTimes <- runTimesAll[which((runDatesValidMonth$year + 1900) %in% years)]
      runDatesValidMonth <- runTimesAll <- NULL
      runDates <- runDatesAll[runTimes]
      # java ranges
      runTimeRanges <- lapply(1:length(runTimes), function(x) {
            .jnew("ucar/ma2/Range", as.integer(runTimes[x] - 1), as.integer(runTimes[x] - 1))
      return(list("runDates" = runDates, "runTimeRanges" = runTimeRanges))
# End
SantanderMetGroup/ecomsUDG.Raccess documentation built on May 9, 2019, 12:41 p.m.