Man pages for Santaris/affinity
Functions to do thermodynamics on oligonucleotides

calc.dgCalculate changes in free energy of binding
calc.dg.internalCalculate changes in free energy of binding for...
calc.dh.dsCalculate changes in enthalpy and entropy of oligonucleotides...
calc.kCalculate the equilibrium constant from the Gibbs free energy
calc.k.internalCalculate the equilibrium constant from the Gibbs free energy...
calc.po.dtmCalculate adjustment to melting temperature for...
calc.tmCalculate the melting temperature the melting temperature for oligonucleotides
calculate.affinityCalculate thermodynamic variables of oligonucleotides
calculate.rnaseh.activityCalculate the fitness of the DNA-only gap-region in...
publictmPublished melting temperatures for LNA-modified...
thermoparNearest neighbor thermodynamic parameters for LNA-modified...
Santaris/affinity documentation built on May 9, 2019, 12:43 p.m.