
Defines functions .check_vars_numeric .get_temp .assign_temp .TempEnv_ .onLoad

.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) {# nocov start
  # If corresponding options are not defined yet, specify them to FALSE
  # by default, but make them explicitly available in options()
  if (!length(getOption("warnAssignWithEqualSign")))
    options(warnAssignWithEqualSign = FALSE)
  if (!length(getOption("warnPartialMatchArgs")))
    options(warnPartialMatchArgs = FALSE)
  if (!length(getOption("warnPartialMatchAttr")))
    options(warnPartialMatchAttr = FALSE)
  if (!length(getOption("warnPartialMatchDollar")))
    options(warnPartialMatchDollar = FALSE)
} # nocov end

#.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
#  # Do nothing for now

.packageName <- "SciViews" # nocov

# Code copied from svMisc, to avoid a dependency!
.TempEnv_ <- function() {
  srch <- search()
  pos <-  match("SciViews:TempEnv", srch)
  if (is.na(pos)) {# Must create it
    pos <- length(srch) - 1
    `SciViews:TempEnv` <- list()
    Attach <- function(...) get("attach", mode = "function")(...)
    Attach(`SciViews:TempEnv`, pos = pos)

.assign_temp <- function(x, value, replace.existing = TRUE) {
  TempEnv <- .TempEnv_()
  if (isTRUE(replace.existing) || !exists(x, envir = TempEnv, mode = "any",
    inherits = FALSE)) {
    assign(x, value, envir = TempEnv)

.get_temp <- function(x, default = NULL, mode = "any", item = NULL) {
  if (is.null(item)) Mode <- mode else Mode <- "any"

  t_env <- .TempEnv_()
  if  (exists(x, envir = t_env, mode = Mode, inherits = FALSE)) {
    dat <- get(x, envir = t_env, mode = Mode, inherits = FALSE)
    if (is.null(item)) {
    } else {
      item <- as.character(item)[1]
      if (inherits(dat, "list") && item %in% names(dat)) {
        dat <- dat[[item]]
        if (mode != "any" && mode(dat) != mode) dat <- default
      } else {
  } else {# Variable not found, return the default value

# A copy of the unexported stats:::.check_vars_numeric
.check_vars_numeric <- function(mf) {
  mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
  mterms <- attr(mt, "factors")
  mterms <- rownames(mterms)[apply(mterms, 1L, function(x) any(x > 0L))]
  any(sapply(mterms, function(x) is.factor(mf[, x]) || !is.numeric(mf[, x])))
SciViews/SciViews documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 9:30 a.m.