
Defines functions str.Flow

Documented in str.Flow

#' Compactly display the content of a Flow object
#' Print short informative strings about the **Flow** object and all it
#' contains, plus possibly, inheritance information.
#' @param object A **Flow** object.
#' @param max.level The maximum nesting level to use for displaying nested
#' structures.
#' @param nest.lev Used internally for pretty printing nested objects (you
#' probably don't want to change default value).
#' @param indent.str Idem.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `str()` methods of **Flow** items.
#' @export
#' @seealso [flow]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @concept compactly inform about an object
#' @examples
#' # A Flow object
#' data(iris)
#' fl <- flow(iris, x = 1:10, var_ = Sepal.Length)
#' fl # Shows the .value contained into fl
#' str(fl) # Provides compact information about satellite data contained in fl
str.Flow <- function(object, max.level = 1L, nest.lev = 0L,
indent.str = paste(rep.int(" ", max(0L, nest.lev + 1L)),
collapse = ".."), ...) {
  # Similar to str.proto(), but indicate it is a Flow object
  cat("Flow", .name_flow(object), "\n")

  lines <- capture_output(
    str(as.list(object), max.level = max.level, nest.lev  = nest.lev, ...)
  for (line in lines)
    cat(line, "\n")

  p_env <- env_parent((object))
  if (p_env %is% "proto") {
    cat(indent.str, "parent: ", sep = "")
    str(p_env, nest.lev = nest.lev + 1L, ...)
SciViews/flow documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 10:22 a.m.