across | Apply Functions Across Multiple Columns |
arithmetic | Fast Row/Column Arithmetic for Matrix-Like Objects |
BY | Split-Apply-Combine Computing |
collap | Advanced Data Aggregation |
collapse-documentation | Collapse Documentation & Overview |
collapse-options | _collapse_ Package Options |
collapse-package | Advanced and Fast Data Transformation |
collapse-renamed | Renamed Functions |
colorder | Fast Reordering of Data Frame Columns |
dapply | Data Apply |
data-transformations | Data Transformations |
descr | Detailed Statistical Description of Data Frame |
efficient-programming | Small Functions to Make R Programming More Efficient |
extract_list | Find and Extract / Subset List Elements |
fast-data-manipulation | Fast Data Manipulation |
fast-grouping-ordering | Fast Grouping and Ordering |
fast-statistical-functions | Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Statistical Functions for... |
fbetween_fwithin | Fast Between (Averaging) and (Quasi-)Within (Centering)... |
fcount | Efficiently Count Observations by Group |
fcumsum | Fast (Grouped, Ordered) Cumulative Sum for Matrix-Like... |
fdiff | Fast (Quasi-, Log-) Differences for Time Series and Panel... |
fdist | Fast and Flexible Distance Computations |
fdroplevels | Fast Removal of Unused Factor Levels |
ffirst_flast | Fast (Grouped) First and Last Value for Matrix-Like Objects |
fFtest | Fast (Weighted) F-test for Linear Models (with Factors) |
fgrowth | Fast Growth Rates for Time Series and Panel Data |
fhdbetween_fhdwithin | Higher-Dimensional Centering and Linear Prediction |
flag | Fast Lags and Leads for Time Series and Panel Data |
flm | Fast (Weighted) Linear Model Fitting |
fmatch | Fast Matching |
fmean | Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Mean for Matrix-Like Objects |
fmin_fmax | Fast (Grouped) Maxima and Minima for Matrix-Like Objects |
fmode | Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Statistical Mode for Matrix-Like... |
fndistinct | Fast (Grouped) Distinct Value Count for Matrix-Like Objects |
fnobs | Fast (Grouped) Observation Count for Matrix-Like Objects |
fnth_fmedian | Fast (Grouped, Weighted) N'th Element/Quantile for... |
fprod | Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Product for Matrix-Like Objects |
fquantile | Fast (Weighted) Sample Quantiles and Range |
frename | Fast Renaming and Relabelling Objects |
fscale | Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Scaling and Centering of Matrix-like... |
fsubset | Fast Subsetting Matrix-Like Objects |
fsum | Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Sum for Matrix-Like Objects |
fsummarise | Fast Summarise |
ftransform | Fast Transform and Compute Columns on a Data Frame |
funique | Fast Unique Elements / Rows |
fvar_fsd | Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Variance and Standard Deviation for... |
GGDC10S | Groningen Growth and Development Centre 10-Sector Database |
group | Fast Hash-Based Grouping |
groupid | Generate Run-Length Type Group-Id |
GRP | Fast Grouping / _collapse_ Grouping Objects |
indexing | Fast Indexed Time Series and Panels |
is_unlistable | Unlistable Lists |
join | Fast and Verbose Table Joins |
ldepth | Determine the Depth / Level of Nesting of a List |
list-processing | List Processing |
pad | Pad Matrix-Like Objects with a Value |
pivot | Fast and Easy Data Reshaping |
psacf | Auto- and Cross- Covariance and Correlation Function... |
psmat | Matrix / Array from Panel Series |
pwcor_pwcov_pwnobs | (Pairwise, Weighted) Correlations, Covariances and... |
qF | Fast Factor Generation, Interactions and Vector Grouping |
qsu | Fast (Grouped, Weighted) Summary Statistics for... |
qtab | Fast (Weighted) Cross Tabulation |
quick-conversion | Quick Data Conversion |
radixorder | Fast Radix-Based Ordering |
rapply2d | Recursively Apply a Function to a List of Data Objects |
recode-replace | Recode and Replace Values in Matrix-Like Objects |
rowbind | Row-Bind Lists / Data Frame-Like Objects |
roworder | Fast Reordering of Data Frame Rows |
rsplit | Fast (Recursive) Splitting |
select_replace_vars | Fast Select, Replace or Add Data Frame Columns |
seqid | Generate Group-Id from Integer Sequences |
small-helpers | Small (Helper) Functions |
summary-statistics | Summary Statistics |
timeid | Generate Integer-Id From Time/Date Sequences |
time-series-panel-series | Time Series and Panel Series |
t_list | Efficient List Transpose |
TRA | Transform Data by (Grouped) Replacing or Sweeping out... |
unlist2d | Recursive Row-Binding / Unlisting in 2D - to Data Frame |
varying | Fast Check of Variation in Data |
wlddev | World Development Dataset |
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