descr: Detailed Statistical Description of Data Frame

View source: R/descr.R

descrR Documentation

Detailed Statistical Description of Data Frame


descr offers a fast and detailed description of each variable in a data frame. Since v1.9.0 it fully supports grouped and weighted computations.


descr(X, ...)

## Default S3 method:
descr(X, by = NULL, w = NULL, cols = NULL,
      Ndistinct = TRUE, higher = TRUE, table = TRUE, sort.table = "freq",
      Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), Qtype = 7L,
      label.attr = "label", stepwise = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'grouped_df'
descr(X, w = NULL,
      Ndistinct = TRUE, higher = TRUE, table = TRUE, sort.table = "freq",
      Qprobs = c(0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99), Qtype = 7L,
      label.attr = "label", stepwise = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'descr', ..., gid = "Group")

## S3 method for class 'descr'
print(x, n = 14, perc = TRUE, digits = .op[["digits"]], t.table = TRUE, total = TRUE,
      compact = FALSE, summary = !compact, reverse = FALSE, stepwise = FALSE, ...)



a (grouped) data frame or list of atomic vectors. Atomic vectors, matrices or arrays can be passed but will first be coerced to data frame using qDF.


a factor, GRP object, or atomic vector / list of vectors (internally grouped with GRP), or a one- or two-sided formula e.g. ~ group1 or var1 + var2 ~ group1 + group2 to group X. See Examples.


a numeric vector of (non-negative) weights. the default method also supports a one-sided formulas i.e. ~ weightcol or ~ log(weightcol). The grouped_df method supports lazy-expressions (same without ~). See Examples.


select columns to describe using column names, indices a logical vector or selector function (e.g. is.numeric). Note: cols is ignored if a two-sided formula is passed to by.


logical. TRUE (default) computes the number of distinct values on all variables using fndistinct.


logical. Argument is passed down to qsu: TRUE (default) computes the skewness and the kurtosis.


logical. TRUE (default) computes a (sorted) frequency table for all categorical variables (excluding Date variables).


an integer or character string specifying how the frequency table should be presented:

Int. String Description
1 "value" sort table by values.
2 "freq" sort table by frequencies.
3 "none" return table in first-appearance order of values, or levels for factors (most efficient).

double. Probabilities for quantiles to compute on numeric variables, passed down to .quantile. If something non-numeric is passed (i.e. NULL, FALSE, NA, "" etc.), no quantiles are computed.


integer. Quantile types 5-9 following Hyndman and Fan (1996) who recommended type 8, default 7 as in quantile.


character. The name of a label attribute to display for each variable (if variables are labeled).


for descr: other arguments passed to qsu.default. For [.descr: variable names or indices passed to [.list. The argument is unused in the print and methods.


an object of class 'descr'.


integer. The maximum number of table elements to print for categorical variables. If the number of distinct elements is <= n, the whole table is printed. Otherwise the remaining items are summed into an '... %s Others' category.


logical. TRUE (default) adds percentages to the frequencies in the table for categorical variables, and, if !is.null(by), the percentage of observations in each group.


integer. The number of decimals to print in statistics, quantiles and percentage tables.


logical. TRUE (default) prints a transposed table.


logical. TRUE (default) adds a 'Total' column for grouped tables (when using by argument).


logical. TRUE combines statistics and quantiles to generate a more compact printout. Especially useful with groups (by).


logical. TRUE (default) computes and displays a summary of the frequencies, if the size of the table for a categorical variable exceeds n.


logical. TRUE prints contents in reverse order, starting with the last column, so that the dataset can be analyzed by scrolling up the console after calling descr.


logical. TRUE prints one variable at a time. The user needs to press [enter] to see the printout for the next variable. If called from descr, the computation is also done one variable at a time, and the finished 'descr' object is returned invisibly.


character. Name assigned to the group-id column, when describing data by groups.


descr was heavily inspired by Hmisc::describe, but is much faster and has more advanced statistical capabilities. It is principally a wrapper around qsu, fquantile (.quantile), and fndistinct for numeric variables, and computes frequency tables for categorical variables using qtab. Date variables are summarized with fnobs, fndistinct and frange.

Since v1.9.0 grouped and weighted computations are fully supported. The use of sampling weights will produce a weighted mean, sd, skewness and kurtosis, and weighted quantiles for numeric data. For categorical data, tables will display the sum of weights instead of the frequencies, and percentage tables as well as the percentage of missing values indicated next to 'Statistics' in print, be relative to the total sum of weights. All this can be done by groups. Grouped (weighted) quantiles are computed using BY.

For larger datasets, calling the stepwise option directly from descr() is recommended, as precomputing the statistics for all variables before digesting the results can be time consuming.

The list-object returned from descr can efficiently be converted to a tidy data frame using the method. This representation will not include frequency tables computed for categorical variables.


A 2-level nested list-based object of class 'descr'. The list has the same size as the dataset, and contains the statistics computed for each variable, which are themselves stored in a list containing the class, the label, the basic statistics and quantiles / tables computed for the variable (in matrix form).

The object has attributes attached providing the 'name' of the dataset, the number of rows in the dataset ('N'), an attribute 'arstat' indicating whether arrays of statistics where generated by passing arguments (e.g. pid) down to qsu.default, an attribute 'table' indicating whether table = TRUE (i.e. the object could contain tables for categorical variables), and attributes 'groups' and/or 'weights' providing a GRP object and/or weight vector for grouped and/or weighted data descriptions.

See Also

qsu, qtab, fquantile, pwcor, Summary Statistics, Fast Statistical Functions, Collapse Overview


## Simple Use

# Some useful print options (also try stepwise argument)
print(descr(GGDC10S), reverse = TRUE, t.table = FALSE)
# For bigger data consider: descr(big_data, stepwise = TRUE)

# Generating a data frame, table = FALSE))

## Weighted Desciptions
descr(wlddev, w = ~ replace_na(POP)) # replacing NA's with 0's for fquantile()

## Grouped Desciptions
descr(GGDC10S, ~ Variable)
descr(wlddev, ~ income)
print(descr(wlddev, ~ income), compact = TRUE)

## Grouped & Weighted Desciptions
descr(wlddev, ~ income, w = ~ replace_na(POP))

## Passing Arguments down to qsu.default: for Panel Data Statistics
descr(iris, pid = iris$Species)
descr(wlddev, pid = wlddev$iso3c)

SebKrantz/collapse documentation built on Feb. 24, 2025, 8:22 p.m.