arithmetic: Fast Row/Column Arithmetic for Matrix-Like Objects

arithmeticR Documentation

Fast Row/Column Arithmetic for Matrix-Like Objects


Fast operators to perform row- or column-wise replacing and sweeping operations of vectors on matrices, data frames, lists. See also setop for math by reference and setTRA for sweeping by reference.


## Perform the operation with v and each row of X

X %rr% v    # Replace rows of X with v
X %r+% v    # Add v to each row of X
X %r-% v    # Subtract v from each row of X
X %r*% v    # Multiply each row of X with v
X %r/% v    # Divide each row of X by v

## Perform a column-wise operation between V and X

X %cr% V    # Replace columns of X with V
X %c+% V    # Add V to columns of X
X %c-% V    # Subtract V from columns of X
X %c*% V    # Multiply columns of X with V
X %c/% V    # Divide columns of X by V



a vector, matrix, data frame or list like object (with rows (r) columns (c) matching v / V).


for row operations: an atomic vector of matching NCOL(X). If X is a data frame, v can also be a list of scalar atomic elements. It is also possible to sweep lists of vectors v out of lists of matrices or data frames X.


for column operations: a suitable scalar, vector, or matrix / data frame matching NROW(X). X can also be a list of vectors / matrices in which case V can be a scalar / vector / matrix or matching list of scalars / vectors / matrices.


With a matrix or data frame X, the default behavior of R when calling X op v (such as multiplication X * v) is to perform the operation of v with each column of X. The equivalent operation is performed by X %cop% V, with the difference that it computes significantly faster if X/V is a data frame / list. A more complex but frequently required task is to perform an operation with v on each row of X. This is provided based on efficient C++ code by the %rop% set of functions, e.g. X %r*% v efficiently multiplies v to each row of X.


X where the operation with v / V was performed on each row or column. All attributes of X are preserved.


Computations and Output: These functions are all quite simple, they only work with X on the LHS i.e. v %op% X will likely fail. The row operations are simple wrappers around TRA which provides more operations including grouped replacing and sweeping (where v would be a matrix or data frame with less rows than X being mapped to the rows of X by grouping vectors). One consequence is that just like TRA, row-wise mathematical operations (+, -, *, /) always yield numeric output, even if both X and v may be integer. This is different for column- operations which depend on base R and may also preserve integer data.

Rules of Arithmetic: Since these operators are defined as simple infix functions, the normal rules of arithmetic are not respected. So a %c+% b %c*% c evaluates as (a %c+% b) %c*% c. As with all chained infix operations, they are just evaluated sequentially from left to right.

Performance Notes: The function setop and a related set of %op=% operators as well as the setTRA function can be used to perform these operations by reference, and are faster if copies of the output are not required!! Furthermore, for Fast Statistical Functions, using fmedian(X, TRA = "-") will be a tiny bit faster than X %r-% fmedian(X). Also use fwithin(X) for fast centering using the mean, and fscale(X) for fast scaling and centering or mean-preserving scaling.

See Also

setop, TRA, dapply, Efficient Programming, Data Transformations, Collapse Overview


## Using data frame's / lists
v <- mtcars$cyl
mtcars %cr% v
mtcars %c-% v
mtcars %r-% seq_col(mtcars)
mtcars %r-% lapply(mtcars, quantile, 0.28)

mtcars %c*% 5       # Significantly faster than mtcars * 5
mtcars %c*% mtcars  # Significantly faster than mtcars * mtcars

## Using matrices
X <- qM(mtcars)
X %cr% v
X %c-% v
X %r-% dapply(X, quantile, 0.28)

## Chained Operations
library(magrittr) # Needed here to evaluate infix operators in sequence
mtcars %>% fwithin() %r-% rnorm(11) %c*% 5 %>%
    tfm(mpg = fsum(mpg)) %>% qsu()

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