Man pages for ShengLi/edmr
Empirical Differentially Methylated Regions Calculation

cpgi.annogenerate CpG islands GRangesList object
edmrEmpirical differentially methylated regions
filter.dmrsignificant DMRs
genebody.annogenerate genebody GRangesList object
get.dmr.genesget gene list based the genebody granges
get.hyper.dmrget hyper-methylated DMRs
get.hypo.dmrget hypo-methylated DMRs
myDiffExample myDiff object. mixtools model from 'myDiff' object
plotCostplot cost function and the determined distance cutoff
plotdmrdistrplot eDMR distribution over the subject genomic ranges
plotMdl1plot the fitted bimodal normal distribution for CpGs...
ShengLi/edmr documentation built on Sept. 17, 2021, 3:38 a.m.