Man pages for Sibada/sibadaR
Sibada's accumulated R scripts for next probably use to avoid reinventing the wheel.

actual_vpEstimate actual vapor pressure.
apply.seasonApply function over seasons for xts object.
BIASRelative bias
cal_gammaCalculate psychrometric constant.
create_flow_directionCreate the flow direction of each gridcell for VIC routing...
create_soil_paramsCreate the soil parameters for VIC model.
create_veg_paramsCreate the veg params file for VIC model.
delta_svpEstimate the slope of the saturation vapour pressure curve.
detect_basinFind out the gridcells in the basin controled by the station.
et0_hgEstimate ET0 by Hargreaves equation.
et0_pmEstimate ET0 by FAO-56 Penman-Monteithe quation.
ext_radEstimate daily daily extraterrestrial radiation.
FARFalse alarm ratio
find_dateGet the subscript of the dates by providing the start date of...
fitPearson3Fit the Pearson type III distribuion
geo2tableMake 2d grid-like data to station-like table data
get_ncdimGet dimension values by one line code.
get_nhGet benzi from nh zhan.
gg_linetypesQuickly get line types of ggplot2.
gg_pointshapesQuickly get point shapes of ggplot2.
grid2pointsConvert the grid data (save as matrix) to points.
grid_areaCalculate the spherical area of a grid.
groupExtract the sub strings of a single string or a string vector...
list_ncvarShow the variables or their dimensions of a netCDF file.
loss_timeGet the deficiency of the time series.
lw_radEstimate Incoming longwave radiation.
MK_mut_testMann-Kendall mutation test
MK_testMann-Kendall trend test
mythemeSome template of ggplot2 theme may be offten used.
nc_combine_timeCombine several netCDF file by time.
ncdimQuick build netCDF typical dimensions.
nc_interceptClip a part from a netCDF file to another netCDF file.
nctimeConvert numbers to time or convert time to numbers in nc...
NMSENormailzed mean square error
NSCENash-Sutcliffe coefficient of efficiency
ol_radEstimate net outgoing longwave radiation.
Pearson3Pearson type III distribuion
p_linetypesQuickly get line types of base plot.
plot_flow_direcPlot the flow direction of the flow direction data.
PODProbability of the detection
points2gridConvert the point data (a table including columns of the...
p_pointshapesQuickly get point shapes of base plot.
qplot_gridqplot of the grid data.
read_arc_gridRead ArcInfo ASCII grid data.
read_ascgridRead ArcInfo ASCII grid data.
read_basinRead the rows and columns of grids of a basin from a rout...
readIMERG_nc4Read IMERG data from netCDF4 file.
read_ncvarRead data from nc file by one line code.
RMSERoot mean square error
set_direcRevise the flow direction of the flow direction data.
soil_convertCreate the hydraulic parameters of soil from soil property...
soil_heat_fluxEstimate monthly soil heat flux.
sq.dateQuickly create a date sequence
statistic_colStatistics of each respective column
sur_radEstimate daily solar radiation.
table2geoMake table-like array to 2d geo-like array
vp.tempEstimate saturation vapor pressure.
write_arc_gridWrite ArcInfo ASCII grid data.
write.meta4Save urls to be download as meta4 format.
write_ncvarWrite data to netCDF file.
wtwrite.table without col names and row names
Sibada/sibadaR documentation built on Jan. 31, 2020, 6:40 p.m.