write.meta4: Save urls to be download as meta4 format.

Description Usage Arguments

View source: R/sibadaR.R


Save the url list of a series of file to be downloaded as .meta4 format for downthemall. No one can doubt that downthemall is a good add-on to make download more eaiser, convinient and managable. However, there are also some shortcommings to make it shit, for example, it would automatically remove the contents after square brackets without any consults when batch import url list, but those contents are necessary for some file urls such as OpenDAP. This function is to save the urls as meta4 file so that downthemall could not amend the urls when import them to the queue.


write.meta4(urls, file = "")



Url list of the file to be downloaded, such as OpenDAP.


either a character string naming a file or a connection open for writing. "" indicates output to the console.

Sibada/sibadaR documentation built on Jan. 31, 2020, 6:40 p.m.