
Defines functions do_dominance_tree do_tree

Documented in do_dominance_tree

#' Find dominace Tree
#' Finds the positional dominance between two nodes, by finding all shortest path between the nodes in a 
#' galois lattice
#' @param graph a Galois lattice of which the dominance should be found
#' @param from the node from where to start the path search
#' @param to the node to which the shortest path should be found
#' @param nodes the labels of those nodes for which one is interested in knowing the dominace relation
#' for example the names of all affiliations
#' @return igraph object, a Tree describing the dominace between nodes
#' @details 
#' The algorithm should be used with a directed galois lattice, e.g. G <- do_galois_lattice(X, directed = TRUE).
#' The algorithm returns the positional dominance of the original graph, if it is applied on the
#' REDUCED label of the galois lattice. A Galois lattice has two possible directions and by using either of them
#' the positional dominance for actors and affiliations can be calculated, but once a direction is chosen
#' from and to nodes have to be chosen appropriately.
#' @seealso \code{\link{do_galois_lattice}} for constructing the according input graph
#' @import igraph
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @examples 
#' M=matrix(c(1,1,1,0,0,0,
#' 0,0,0,1,1,1,
#' 1,0,0,1,0,0,
#' 1,1,0,1,0,1),nrow=6)
#' colnames(M) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D")
#' rownames(M) <- as.character(1:6)
#' Galois <- do_galois_lattice(M, directed = TRUE, label = "reduced")
#' T <- do_dominance_tree(Galois,as.character(1:6))
#' plot(T)
#' @export

do_dominance_tree <- function(graph, nodes, from = names(head(V(graph),n=1)),to = names(tail(V(graph),n=1))){
  nodes <- graph$match.name[match(nodes, table = graph$match.name[,2]),1]
    from <- unlist(V(graph)$l.name[match(from, table = V(graph)$name)])}
    to <- unlist(V(graph)$l.name[match(to, table = V(graph)$name)])}
  V(graph)$name <- V(graph)$l.name 
  res <- all_simple_paths(graph,from = from, to = to)
  test <- make_empty_graph(n=1,directed= TRUE)
  V(test)$name <- from
  Tree <- lapply(res,do_tree,nodes = nodes, test = test, graph = graph)
  bigTree <- Reduce(union,Tree)
  if (!is.element(unlist(strsplit(names(head(V(graph),n=1)), ",")),nodes)[1]){
    bigTree <- delete_vertices(bigTree, names(head(V(graph),n=1)))}
  if (!is.element(unlist(strsplit(names(tail(V(graph),n=1)), ",")),nodes)[1]){
    bigTree <- delete_vertices(bigTree, names(tail(V(graph),n=1)))}
  V(bigTree)$l.name <- unlist(V(bigTree)$name)
  L.name <- V(bigTree)$name
  L.name <- strsplit(L.name,split = ",")
  L.name <- lapply(L.name, function(x){graph$match.name[match(x,graph$match.name[,1]),2]})
  L.name <- lapply(L.name,toString)
  V(bigTree)$name <- unlist(L.name)

############################################## Auxilliary Function
do_tree <- function(L,nodes,test, graph){

  z <- mapply(function(x){paste(intersect(unlist(strsplit(x,", ")),c(nodes,names(head(V(graph),n=1)),names(tail(V(graph),n=1)))), collapse = ',')},
  L2 <- setdiff(z, "")
  for (i in 2:length(L2)){
    test <- add.vertices(test,1, name = L2[i])
    test <- add.edges(test,c(L2[i-1],L2[i]))
Siliegia/galoislattice documentation built on Jan. 30, 2020, 8:16 p.m.