Man pages for SinomeM/CNVgears
A Framework to Combine, Analize and Interpret CNVs Calling Results

chr_uniformUniform chromosome notation
cleaning_filterFilter CNVs calls based on several parameters
cnmops_to_CNVresultsConvert cn.mops results into 'CNVgears' format
CNVgearsCNVgears: A package to analyze CNVs calling/segmentation...
CNVresults_to_GRangesCNVresults to GRanges
cnvrs_createCompute Copy Number Variable Regions (CNVRs)
cnvs_inheritanceCompute CNVs inheritance
cohort_examplesSample list for the runnable examples. It comes from CNV...
genic_loadAnnotate genic load
genomic_locusRapid genomic locus annotator for CNV calls
hg18_chr_armsChromosomal location of the genomic arms for the assembly...
hg18_start_end_centromeresStart, end and centrosome location of each chromosome for the...
hg19_chr_armsChromosomal location of the genomic arms for the assembly...
hg19_start_end_centromeresStart, end and centrosome location of each chromosome for the...
hg38_chr_armsChromosomal location of the genomic arms for the assembly...
hg38_start_end_centromeresStart, end and centrosome location of each chromosome for the...
immuno_regionsRetrieve genomic regions of consecutive immunoglobulin genes
inter_res_mergeCombine the results from multiple methods in a single object
lrr_trio_plotPlot markers raw data in a CNV region for a trio
markers_examplesMarkers file for the runnable examples It comes from CNV...
merge_callsMerge adjacent CNV with equal Copy Number
penn_22Chromosome 22 PennCNV example results for the runnable...
quanti_22Chromosome 22 QuantiSNP example results for the runnable...
read_finalreport_rawRead Illumina array raw data
read_finalreport_snpsRead Illumina array raw data
read_metadtRead sample file with minimal metadata
read_NGS_intervalsRead genomic intervals
read_NGS_rawRead raw copyratio/LRR data for NGS intervals
read_resultsRead CNVs calling or semgentation results
read_vcfConvert a VCF file of genomics segments into a 'data.table'
summary.CNVresultsExplore CNV calling results prior filtering
telom_centromGenerate blacklist for telomeric and centromeric regions
SinomeM/CNVgears documentation built on Nov. 21, 2021, 5:34 a.m.