
#' Make a latex table of the income statement
#' This function takes a dataframe of uber income data and user generated
#'   expsenses and combines them to make an income statement up to EBIT.
#'   The statement can be either quarterly or annual (10k or 10q).
#' @param ebit EBIT table generated by uber_ebit()
#' @param year Default to current year
#' @keywords uber accounting EBIT latex
#' @import magrittr
#' @import dplyr
#' @import plyr
#' @import lubridate
#' @export
#' @examples ebit_tex( my10q, year = 2015)

ebit_tex <- function( ebit, year = NA ) {

  # first lines, reference note -----------------------------------------------
  created <- paste0("% EBIT Table Created by ubeRpay by Sam Marshall ",
                    Sys.time(), "\n" )
  pkg.note <- paste0("% ***Must add before \\begin{document}*** ",
                     "\\newcommand{\\objsum}[1]{\\hspace{-1em}\\bfseries#1} \n")

  note <- paste0( created, pkg.note )

  # table start -------------------------------------------------
  inc_year <- ifelse( is.na( year) == TRUE, year(Sys.Date()), as.character( year) )
  t.head <- paste0(
    "\\begin{table}[h] \\centering \n",
    "  \\caption*{Income Statement for UberEats Business\\\\ for year ending December 31, ",
    inc_year, "} \n",
    "  \\label{} \n" )

  # table body... first need some info
  t_col <- ncol(ebit)
  t_row <- nrow(ebit)

  if(t_col == 2) {
    t.body <- .ann_body(ebit, t_row )
  } else {
    # make the column names -----
    c_head <- "    &"
    for( i in 2:(t_col - 1) ) {
      c_head <- paste0( c_head, " {", names(ebit)[i], "} &")
    # add in the last one with new line prompt at the end
    c_head <- paste0(c_head, " {", names(ebit)[t_col], "} \\\\ \n")

    # make the table contents
    inc.cats <- c("INCOME", "EXPENSES", "EBIT")
    t_guts <- ""
    for( r in 1:t_row ) {
      t_guts <- paste0(
        t_guts, "    ",
        ifelse( ebit[r,1] %in% inc.cats,
                paste0( "\\objsum{", ebit[r,1], "} &"),
                paste0(ebit[r,1], " &") ) )

      for( c in 2:t_col ) {
        rc_val <- ifelse(
          round(ebit[r,c]) == ebit[r,c],
          paste0(as.character(ebit[r,c]), ".00"),
          ifelse(round(10*ebit[r,c]) == 10*ebit[r,c],
                 paste0(as.character(ebit[r,c]), "0"), ebit[r,c]) )

        if( c < t_col ) {
          t_guts <- paste( t_guts, rc_val, "&", sep = " ")
        } else {
          t_guts <- paste( t_guts, rc_val, "\\\\ \n", sep = " ")

      if( ebit[r,1] %in% c("INCOME", "EXPENSES") ) {
        t_guts <- paste0( t_guts, "    \\rule{0pt}{3ex} \n")

    t.body <- paste0(
      "  \\begin{tabular}{@{\\extracolsep{5pt}} >{\\quad}l*{",t_col-1,
      "}{S[table-format=4.2]}} \n",
      "    \\toprule \n",
      "    \\midrule \n",

  t.foot <- paste0(
    "    \\hline \\rule{0pt}{1.8ex} \n",
    "  \\end{tabular} \n",
    "  \\caption*{} \n",

  cat(paste0(note, t.head, t.body, t.foot ) )

# if there are only two columns, then the loop won't work, so do this ---------
.ann_body <- function(ebit, t_row ) {
  # make the column names -----
  c_head <- paste0("    ",
                   " {", names(ebit)[1], "} &",
                   " {", names(ebit)[2], "} \\\\ \n")

  # make the table contents
  inc.cats <- c("INCOME", "EXPENSES", "EBIT")
  t_guts <- ""
  for( r in 1:t_row ) {
    t_guts <- paste0(
      t_guts, "    ",
      ifelse( ebit[r,1] %in% inc.cats,
              paste0( "\\objsum{", ebit[r,1], "} &"),
              paste0(ebit[r,1], " &") ) )

    rc_val <- ifelse(
      round(ebit[r,2]) == ebit[r,2],
      paste0(as.character(ebit[r,2]), ".00"),
      ifelse(round(10*ebit[r,2]) == 10*ebit[r,2],
             paste0(as.character(ebit[r,2]), "0"), ebit[r,2]) )

    t_guts <- paste( t_guts, rc_val, "\\\\ \n", sep = " ")

    if( ebit[r,1] %in% c("INCOME", "EXPENSES") ) {
      t_guts <- paste0( t_guts, "    \\rule{0pt}{3ex} \n")

  t.body <- paste0(
    "  \\begin{tabular}{@{\\extracolsep{5pt}} >{\\quad}l*{",1,
    "}{S[table-format=4.2]}} \n",
    "    \\toprule \n",
    "    \\midrule \n",

SmarshMELLOW/ubeRpay documentation built on May 29, 2019, 2:33 p.m.