
##' Populate the biomass table with updated biomass estimates and provenance
##' information.
##' @title Populate the biomass table
##' @param allometry_data The allometry matrix
##' @param equation_bank Allometric equation bank
##' @param biomass_data The biomass table
##' @param species_data Species IDs with taxonomy
##' @param category_data The category lookup table
##' @param closest_relatives The table of closest relatives
##' @keywords internal
##' @importFrom dplyr %>%
##' @export
populate_biomass_table <- function(allometry_data, equation_bank, biomass_data,
                                   species_data, category_data, closest_relatives){
  ## Remove unneeded columns from the allometry matrix
  allometry <- allometry_data %>%
    dplyr::select(-size_category, -instar_number, -number_of_individuals)

  ## Create allometry matrix with species ids
  allometry_species <- allometry %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., species_data)

  ## Create equation bank with species ids
  equation_species <- equation_bank %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., species_data)

  ## A clean data frame in which to add new biomass information
  ## The data are joined with the table of category-length estimates, and the
  ## table of closest relatives; once joined to category_data, the size_category
  ## column is no longer needed.
  biomass_clean <- biomass_data %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., category_data) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(., closest_relatives) %>%
    dplyr::select(-size_category, -category_range)

  # Create the biomass generating function by inputting the relevant data sets
  generate_biomass <- generate_biomass_fun(BIOMASS   = biomass_clean,
                                           ALLOMETRY = allometry,
                                           EQUATIONS = equation_bank)

  # Calculate biomasses
  for(species in c("exact", "related")){
    for(measurement in c("length", "category")){
      for(type in c("raw", "interpolate")){
        biomass_all <- generate_biomass(species, measurement, type)

  unresolved <- biomass_clean %>%
    dplyr::filter(!(measurement_id %in% biomass_all$measurement_id))

  # Compute median biomasses for multiple relatives
  biomass_med <- generate_median_biomass(unresolved, allometry_species, equation_species)

  # Join everything
  biomass_all <- biomass_all %>%
    dplyr::full_join(., biomass_med) %>%
    dplyr::select(species_id, measurement_id, bwg_name, stage,
                  length_measured_as, length_mm, length_est_mm,
                  biomass_type, biomass_mg, biomass_ci_upr, biomass_ci_lwr,
                  provenance, provenance_species,
                  closest_relative, num_relatives, shared_taxon,
                  r_squared, sample_size, intercept, slope)


##' Generate a function for making the biomass calculation for a given
##' measurement. Provenance information is added at this time.
##' @title Generate biomass function
##' @param BIOMASS The biomass data, with all current biomass estimates
##' @param ALLOMETRY The allometry matrix
##' @param EQUATIONS The equation bank
##' @param prov_species Provenance determined for the species in question, or
##'   the closest related specices
##' @param prov_meas Provenance measurement (length or category)
##' @param prov_type Provenance type (raw or interpolate)
##' @return A function for generating biomass calculations
##' @keywords internal
##' @importFrom dplyr %>%
##' @export
generate_biomass_fun <- function(BIOMASS, ALLOMETRY, EQUATIONS){

  biomass_fun <- function(prov_species, prov_meas, prov_type){
    ## Get data from parent environment:
    allometry_data <- ALLOMETRY
    equation_bank  <- EQUATIONS

    # Filter out resolved biomass measurements
      biomass_data <- BIOMASS %>%
        dplyr::filter(!(measurement_id %in% BIOMASS_ALL$measurement_id))
    } else {
      biomass_data <- BIOMASS

    ## Define variables based on provenance info:

    # Use lengths or length estimates?
    by_length <- switch(prov_meas,
                        length   = "length_mm",
                        category = "length_est_mm")

    # Use the bwg_name of the target species, or the name of the closest_relative?
    by_species <- switch(prov_species,
                         exact   = "bwg_name",
                         related = "closest_relative")

    # Filter by length_mm or length_est_mm
    biomass_data <- biomass_data %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(biomass_data[, by_length]))

    # Join to allometry matrix or equation bank and interpolate or not
    if(prov_type == "raw"){
      by_vars        <- c("bwg_name", "stage", "length_mm")
      names(by_vars) <- c(by_species, "stage", by_length)

      biomass_data <- biomass_data %>%
        dplyr::inner_join(., allometry_data, by = by_vars)

    } else if(prov_type == "interpolate"){
      by_vars        <- c("bwg_name", "stage")
      names(by_vars) <- c(by_species, "stage")

      biomass_data <- biomass_data %>%
        dplyr::inner_join(., equation_bank, by = by_vars) %>%
        interpolate_biomass(., prov_meas)

    } else stop("Unrecognized provenance type.")

    # Skip if there are no rows of data left
    if(nrow(biomass_data) == 0){
        biomass_all <- BIOMASS_ALL
      } else {

    # Add provenance info
    biomass_data <- biomass_data %>%
      dplyr::mutate(provenance         = paste(prov_meas, prov_type, sep = "."),
                    provenance_species = prov_species)

    # Save the resolved biomass values to the parent environment
      biomass_all <- BIOMASS_ALL %>%
        dplyr::full_join(., biomass_data)
    } else {
      biomass_all <- biomass_data

    assign("BIOMASS_ALL", biomass_all, envir = parent.env(environment()))

    # Return the data table of resolved biomass values


##' Generate median biomass.
##' @title Generate median biomass
##' @param biomass_data The cleaned biomass table
##' @keywords internal
##' @importFrom dplyr %>%
##' @export
generate_median_biomass <- function(biomass_data, allometry_species, equation_species){
  # Filter out species with multiple closest relatives and no length_mm or
  # length_est_mm
  biomass_med <- biomass_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(num_relatives > 1) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(length_mm) | !is.na(length_est_mm))

  for(i in 1:nrow(biomass_med)){
    # The name of the shared taxon
    shared_taxon <- biomass_med$shared_taxon[i]
    # The id of the shared taxon
    taxon_name   <- biomass_med[i, shared_taxon]

    # Provenance "length" or "category"
    if(!is.na(biomass_med$length_mm[i])) {
      prov_measurement <- "length"
      by_length        <- "length_mm"
    } else if(!is.na(biomass_med$length_est_mm[i])) {
      prov_measurement <- "category"
      by_length        <- "length_est_mm"
    } else stop("No length available.")

    # Selection for provenance "raw"
    # Select all species in the allometry matrix with the shared taxon
    shared <- allometry_species %>%
      dplyr::filter(allometry_species[shared_taxon] == taxon_name) %>%
      dplyr::filter(length_mm == biomass_med[i, by_length]) %>%

    ## Raw vs. interpolate
    if(nrow(shared) > 0){
      ## Use the length to get a raw biomass
      prov_type <- "raw"
      median_select_vars <- c("biomass_type", "biomass_mg")
    } else {
      ## Use the length to interpolate biomass using the equation bank
      prov_type <- "interpolate"

      # Select all species in the equation bank with the shared taxon
      shared <- equation_species %>%
        dplyr::filter(equation_species[shared_taxon] == taxon_name) %>%
        filter_by_biomass_type() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(length_mm = biomass_med[i, by_length]) %>%
        interpolate_biomass(., prov_measurement)

      median_select_vars <- c("biomass_type", "biomass_mg", "r_squared",
                              "sample_size", "slope", "intercept",
                              "biomass_ci_upr", "biomass_ci_lwr")

      if(nrow(shared) == 0){
        stop("No shared species.")

    # Select the species with median biomass; remove extra cols for joining
    median_species <- shared %>%
      get_median_species() %>%
      dplyr::select(!!median_select_vars) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(measurement_id = biomass_med$measurement_id[i])

    # Add biomass measurements
    biomass_med$closest_relative[i] <- paste(shared$bwg_name, sep="", collapse = ";")
    biomass_med$provenance[i] <- paste(prov_measurement, prov_type, sep = ".")
    biomass_med$provenance_species[i] <- "related"

    # Create data frame with all median species
    if(i == 1){
      all_medians <- median_species
    } else {
      all_medians <- full_join(all_medians, median_species)

  # Join medians with biomass table
  biomass_meds <- biomass_med %>%
    dplyr::full_join(., all_medians) %>%


##' Filter based on whether the measurement is for dry or wet biomass.
##' @title Filter by biomass type
##' @param biomass_data The cleaned biomass table
##' @keywords internal
##' @importFrom dplyr %>%
##' @export
filter_by_biomass_type <- function(biomass_data){
  # Dry or wet biomass?
  if(any(biomass_data$biomass_type == "dry")){
    biomass_selector <- "dry"
  } else {
    biomass_selector <- "wet"

  biomass_data <- biomass_data %>%
    dplyr::filter(biomass_type == biomass_selector)


##' Get the identity of species with median biomass
##' @title Get median species
##' @param shared_species The vector of shared species
##' @keywords internal
##' @importFrom dplyr %>%
##' @export
get_median_species <- function(shared_species){
  median_species <- shared_species %>%
    dplyr::mutate(median_biomass = median(biomass_mg)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(biomass_diff   = abs(biomass_mg - median_biomass)) %>%
    dplyr::filter(biomass_diff == min(biomass_diff))

  # If there are more than one species equally close to the median, select the
  # one with smaller biomass
  if(nrow(median_species) > 1){
    median_species <- median_species %>%
      dplyr::filter(biomass_mg == min(biomass_mg))

    # Select the first row if there are still more than one median species
    median_species <- median_species[1,]

  # There should be exactly one median species
  if(nrow(median_species) != 1){
    stop("Something is wrong with determining median species.")

  # Select the species with biomass closest to the median
  shared_species <- shared_species %>%
    dplyr::filter(species_id == median_species$species_id)


##' Get the identity of species with median biomass
##' @title Interpolate biomass
##' @param biomass_data The biomass table
##' @param type Interpolate using "length" or "category"
##' @keywords internal
##' @importFrom dplyr %>%
##' @export
interpolate_biomass <- function(biomass_data, type){
  biomass_data <- biomass_data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(biomass_mg = NA, biomass_ci_upr = NA, biomass_ci_lwr = NA)

  # Return if there is no data
  if(nrow(biomass_data) == 0){

  # Calculate biomass using the regression
  for(i in 1:nrow(biomass_data)){

    if(type == "length"){
      new <- data.frame(length_mm = biomass_data$length_mm[i])
    } else if(type == "category"){
      new <- data.frame(length_mm = biomass_data$length_est_mm[i])
    } else {
      stop("Incorrect type specified. Use 'length' or 'category'.")

    biomass <- predict(biomass_data$fit[[i]], newdata = new,
                       interval = "confidence")

    biomass_data$biomass_mg[i]     <- 10^(biomass[1,"fit"])
    biomass_data$biomass_ci_upr[i] <- 10^(biomass[1,"upr"])
    biomass_data$biomass_ci_lwr[i] <- 10^(biomass[1,"lwr"])

  biomass_data <- biomass_data %>%

SrivastavaLab/bwgbiomass documentation built on May 31, 2019, 4:53 a.m.