
#' @title Get the tables of daily data
#' @name Display_daily
#' @author Frederic Ntirenganya 2015 (AMI)
#' @description \code{Display daily data in tables }
#' Display daily data in tables for any variable 
#' @param data_list list. this is a list containing stations for analysis, the years or periods to be analyzed and the required variables from the data 
#' @param Print_tables Logical,if true, the method print the table in the console
#' @param Row.names Logical, if FALSE the row names attributed to the dataframe are removed
#' @param Na.rm Logical, if true remove the missing value
#' @param Variable  This is the variable to be displayed
#' @param Threshold The least amount of rainfall for which a day is considered rainy
#' @param Month_list The three-letter abbreviations for the English month names
#' @param Day_display Column name showing the day of the month
#' @examples
#' ClimateObj <- climate( data_tables = list( data ), date_formats = list( "%m/%d/%Y" ) )
#' Default dateformats: "%Y/%m/%d"
#' # where "data" is a data.frame containing the desired variable to be displayed.
#' climateObj$display_daily()
#' @return It returns tables list
#TODO allow any monthly summaries to be added
climate$methods(display_daily = function(data_list = list(), print_tables = FALSE, month_summaries,  
                                         na.rm = FALSE, variable, threshold = 0.85, months_list = month.abb, day_display = "Day", decimal_places = 2, 
                                         summary_names = rep("",month_summaries)) {
  #required variable
  data_list = add_to_data_info_required_variable_list(data_list, variable)
  # data time period is daily
  data_list = add_to_data_info_time_period( data_list, daily_label )
  climate_data_objs = get_climate_data_objects( data_list )
  if(length(summary_names) != length(month_summaries)) stop("summary_names must be the same length as month_summaries")
  out = c()
  for( data_obj in climate_data_objs ) {
    curr_threshold = data_obj$get_meta(threshold_label,missing(threshold),threshold)
    #get required variable name
    interest_var = data_obj$getvname(variable)
    # must add these columns if not present for displaying
    if( !(data_obj$is_present( year_label ) && data_obj$is_present( month_label ) && data_obj$is_present( day_label )) ) {
    if( !(data_obj$is_present(season_label)) ) data_obj$add_doy_col()
    season_col = data_obj$getvname( season_label )
    month_col = data_obj$getvname( month_label )
    day_col = data_obj$getvname( day_label )
    # access data for analysis
    curr_data_list = data_obj$get_data_for_analysis( data_list )
    for( curr_data in curr_data_list ) {

      # initialize tables as a list
      tables = list()
      tables_summary = list()
      tables_merged = list()
      factor_col = factor(curr_data[[season_col]], levels = unique(curr_data[[season_col]]), ordered = TRUE)
      # Split curr_data into a list of data frames - one for each season
      seasons_split <- split( curr_data, factor_col)
      # counter used in the loop
      i = 1
      # loop through the splited data frames 
      for ( single_season in seasons_split ) {
        # produce table with data
        tables[[i]] <- dcast( single_season, single_season[[ day_col ]] ~ single_season[[ month_col ]], value.var = interest_var)
        # Name the columns of the table
        end = length( colnames( tables[[i]] ) )
        names( tables[[i]] )[ 1 ] <- day_display
        colnames( tables[[i]] )[2:end] <- months_list[1:end-1]

        tables[[i]][2:end] = round(tables[[i]][2:end], decimal_places)
        if(!missing(month_summaries)) {
          binded_summaries = list()
          for(single_summary in month_summaries) {
            binded_summaries[[length(binded_summaries)+1]] = format(apply(tables[[i]][,-1],2,single_summary, threshold = curr_threshold, na.rm = na.rm), decimal_places)
          tables_summary[[i]] = do.call(rbind,binded_summaries)
          tables_summary[[i]] <- cbind(c(summary_names), tables_summary[[i]])
          # Making dataframe for second table
          tables_summary[[i]] <- data.frame(tables_summary[[i]])
          #add dimnames for the first column.
          colnames(tables_summary[[i]])[1] <- ("Day")
          # merge the tables
          tables_merged[[i]] <- rbind(tables[[i]], tables_summary[[i]])
        else tables_merged[[i]] <- tables[[i]]
        i = i + 1
      # Use the years to name each table.
      names( tables_merged ) <- names( seasons_split )
      # Use the station name to name the list of all years
      rettables[[data_obj$get_station_data(curr_data, station_label)]] = tables_merged  
      # Only print if requested
      if (print_tables) print(tables_merged)
StatisticalServicesCentre/ClimateObject documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2 p.m.