
#'@title Principle Component Analysis for PANIC (2004)
#'@description This function performs the principle component analysis in order to determine
#' the Common and Idiosyncratic Components of the factor model.
#'@usage pc(y,nfac)
#'@param y An NxT matrix containing the data
#'@param nfac An integer specifying the maximum number of factors allowed
#' while estimating the factor model.
#'@return ehat A matrix with the Idiosyncratic component of the factor model
#'@return fhat A matrix with the factors of the approximate factor model
#'@return lambda A matrix with the factor loadings of the approximate factor model
pc <- function(y, nfac) {
  bigt <- dim(y)[1]
  bign <- dim(y)[2]
  eig <- svd(crossprod(y))
  Fhat0 <- eig$u
  eigval <- as.matrix(eig$d)
  Fhat1 <- eig$v
  lambda <- Fhat0[, 1:nfac] * sqrt(bign)
  fhat <- y %*% (lambda/bign)
  ehat <- y - tcrossprod(fhat, lambda)
  return(list(ehat = ehat, fhat = fhat, lambda = lambda))
Stevo15025/PANICr documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:08 p.m.