
Defines functions summary.cropr_simulation

Documented in summary.cropr_simulation

#' Summary statistics of simulations
#' @description Summary statistics for one or several situations with
#' observations, eventually grouped
#' by a model version (or any group actually)
#' @param ...  Simulation outputs (each element= model version),
#' each being a named list of `data.frame` for each situation.
#' See examples.
#' @param obs  A list (each element= situation) of observations `data.frame`s
#' (named by situation)
#' @param stats A character vector of required statistics, "all" for all,
#' or any of [predictor_assessment()].
#' @param all_situations Boolean (default = TRUE). If `TRUE`,
#' computes statistics for all situations.
#' @param verbose Logical value for displaying information while running
#' @param stat `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `stat` is no
#'   longer supported, use `stats` instead.
#' @return A list of statistics `data.frame`s named by situation
#' @seealso All the functions used to compute the statistics:
#' [predictor_assessment()].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Importing an example with three situations with observation:
#' workspace <- system.file(file.path("extdata", "stics_example_1"),
#' package = "CroPlotR")
#' situations <- SticsRFiles::get_usms_list(usm_path =
#' file.path(workspace, "usms.xml"))
#' sim <- SticsRFiles::get_sim(workspace = workspace, usm = situations)
#' obs <- SticsRFiles::get_obs(workspace = workspace, usm = situations)
#' # All stats for the simulation:
#' summary(sim, obs = obs)
#' # All stats for two groups of simulations:
#' summary(sim1 = sim, sim2 = sim, obs = obs)
#' # Only R2 and nRMSE for one group:
#' summary(sim, obs = obs, stats = c("R2", "nRMSE"))
#' }
summary.cropr_simulation <- function(..., obs, stats = "all",
                                     all_situations = TRUE,
                                     verbose = TRUE,
                                     stat = lifecycle::deprecated()) {
  if (lifecycle::is_present(stat)) {
    lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.5.0", "summary(stat)", "summary(stats)")
  } else {
    stat <- stats # to remove when we update inside the function
  statistics_situations(..., obs = obs, stat = stat,
                        all_situations = all_situations,
                        verbose = verbose, formater = format_cropr)
SticsRPacks/CroPloteR documentation built on May 8, 2024, 5:20 a.m.