
# Description of the test projects:

# This project is a swept-area project reading ICESBiotic-xml file, where maturity is interpreted and reported on.

# This project generates a table with catch weight or number per station in the rows and species in the columns (added info about the hauls in the first columns).

# This project is a swept-area project creaetd by reducing an official project for cod in 2019 to only contain data in two strata. 50 bootstrap rerplicates are used. DistributionMethod = "HaulDenstiy" in SuperIndividuals().

# This project reads an ICESAcoustic-xml file generated by LSSS and exports ICESAcoustic-csv file.

# This project reads an NMDBiotic-xml file (version 3.1) converts to ICESBiotic, modifies the result, and exports ICESBiotic-csv file.

# This project is a swept-area project with only Baseline, where some hauls in the same stratum have identical TowDistance and number of fish sampled in some length groups, leading to a bug in StoX 3.0.8, where unique() was used in DistributionMethod = "HaulDensity" in SuperIndividuals().

# This project is an acoustic-trawl project where the acoustic data in a mix acoustic category are split using the function SplitMeanNASC().

# This project is an acoustic-trawl project creaetd by reducing an official project for sandeel in 2020 to only contain data in two strata. 50 bootstrap replicates are used. DistributionMethod = "Equal" in SuperIndividuals(). WeightingMethod = "NumberOfLengthSamples" with MaxNumberOfLengthSamples = 100 in BioticAssignmentWeighting().

# Same as but with depth dependent acoustic target strength.
StoXProject/RstoxFramework documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 1:24 p.m.