
#' Converts directory of .csv files to an SQLite database
#' Called by `csv_to_sql`, can also be used directly. If given a
#' list of .csv files, will generate an SQLite database containing either all the 
#' files in a single table, or a table for each file.
#' @param files list of files 
#' @param dir Directory to save database in, otherwise will save in the
#' 		current working directory.
#' @param db_name Name given to the database.
#' @param single_table Whether to place all .csv files in a single table,
#' 		otherwise will produce a table per file.
#' @param table_name Only relevant if `single_table = TRUE`: what to call the table.
#' @import RSQLite
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export

csv_to_sqlite_list_ <- function(files, dir = NULL, db_name = "db", single_table = FALSE, table_name = "exp"){
    ## if not given a path for `dir` will set
    ## the working directory to the path given
    save_wd <- getwd() # record current wd before function call
    if (is.null(dir)){
        warning("Directory not given, saving database in the working directory.")
    } else {setwd(dir)}
    if (!is.list(files)){
        stop("Argument 'files' has to be a list.", call. = FALSE)
    ## create connection to an SQLite database with the name `db_name`
    message(" - Creating database:", db_name)
    con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), paste0(db_name, ".sqlite3"))
    if(!dbIsValid(con)) stop("Failed to create database")
    ## warn that table_name has no effect when creating multiple tables
    if (single_table == FALSE & table_name != "exp"){
        warning("Single table is set to FALSE,\ntables will be named after the original filenames",
                call. = FALSE)
    for (file in files){
        message(paste(" - Reading file:", file))
        tmp <- fread(file, showProgress = FALSE, data.table = FALSE)
	# connect to database
	con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), db_name, paste0(db_name, '.sqlite3'))

        if (single_table == FALSE){
            message(paste(" - Writing", file, "to database"))
                value = tmp,
                name = strsplit(filen,"\\.")[[1]][1])
        } else if (single_table == TRUE){
            message(paste(" - Writing", file, "to database"))
                value = tmp,
                name = table_name,
                append = TRUE)
        } else stop("single_table requires either TRUE or FALSE")

	# disconnect so files are written to database
    message(paste(" - Disconnecting from", db_name))
    if (!dbIsValid(con)) message(" - Disconnected!")
    setwd(save_wd) # restore previous wd
Swarchal/CProcessR documentation built on May 9, 2019, 3:23 p.m.